Chapter 1.2

Chapter 1.2

Sayuri, who has been with Mayumi since she was a child, is very worried about her youngest sister on the team because this time it is a new experience for Mayumi, even though they are learning together as adults through discussions and over 18+ videos they watch. Mayumi seems normal because she protects them a lot, analyzes beyond the role to learn, like a child who doesn't know reality, and Mayumi's biggest weakness, doesn't want to chase with her, because she plays to bury the skills for at the top, just watch the scenario and once she wakes up, which she did, she sits crying like a child, but it's also easy to comfort and cheers her up like the sunshine. Sayuri read that her partner is a man who is the son of a handsome millionaire, a businessman in the food business, and his skills are also good in cooking. In their new story, there is a line of bourgeois aristocrats from good families who own guest houses representing the ruling hand of their world. Sayuri was aware of the presence of another teammate's partner, but Mayumi was too busy sleeping or eeeepy not opening the note, so she didn't know who Mayumi's partner was. After thinking about it, she politely wore a fashionable lady's suit because her fiancé turned out to be a gentle person who also liked to be a gentle and elegant wife and did not forget to hide her small knife attached to her thighs. Noise outside Mayumi's special accommodation room, run by a high-ranking wealthy special forces force, the son of a billionaire and the capital's first and most infamous military leader, was injured his shoulder while training, especially The poisonous effect in the weather is cold, making the injuries very painful. Jinuki refuses to allow his troops to report to the higher echelons, and in particular to the doctors who were able to report his injuries and the clashes between those who seek to control his family's power. But he knew what kind of poison, and if he could get the poisonous and non-lustful sex going tonight, he would also be able to recover. But little does he know that Wright led a woman away by accident, the fate of both between eternity. Remember that when Jinuki ordered the upper floor to be closed, he didn't know that his special room was the Mayumi room that stayed next to him when the innkeeper came to rest. The guards, who were worried about the boss and thought he was opposing the order, wanted the boss to release his pain over the poison. so go outside, find a pretty woman while his boss is in a hot steam bath. And when Jinuki thought that his injuries were starting to react more and more, his jaw started to stiffen up and down, causing him intense pain, dizziness, and he went into the wrong room where he slipped on the wall of the room, the balcony collapsed and consider it as one room. He saw the body of a naked woman lying halfway under the table come out, his desire was so strong that he could not resist and thought that the soldiers were breaking the order and grabbed one of her legs pulling out the table and leaning over her, He kissed her gently with the scent coming out of her body, he rolled to kiss her by hypnotize and fell asleep next to her, even the poison was neutralized.


子供の頃からマユミと一緒にいるサユリは,チームの末っ子の妹のことをとても心配しています.なぜなら,彼らはディスカッションや 18 歳以上のビデオを通じて大人として一緒に学んでいるにもかかわらず,今回はマユミにとって新しい経験だからです. 時計. マユミが普通に見えるのは,彼女が彼らをよく守っているからであり,学ぶべき役割を超えて分析し,現実を知らない子供のように,そしてマユミの最大の弱点は,彼女がスキルを埋めるためにプレーしているため,彼女と一緒に追いかけたくないことです 一番上,シナリオを見て,彼女が目を覚ますと,彼女は子供のように泣きながら座っていますが,それは簡単に慰め,太陽のように彼女を元気づけます. 小百合は,相手はイケメン大富豪の息子で水商売の実業家で,料理も得意な男性だと読んでいた. 彼らの新しい物語には,世界の支配者を代表するゲストハウスを所有する良家の出身のブルジョワ貴族が登場します. さゆりは別のチームメイトのパートナーの存在に気づいていましたが,真由美は寝るのに忙しかったり,メモを開かなかったため,真由美のパートナーが誰であるか知りませんでした. よく考えたら,婚約者が穏やかで上品な妻を好む優しい人だったので,礼儀正しくおしゃれなレディーススーツを着て,太ももに付けた小さなナイフを隠すことも忘れなかった. マユミの特別宿泊室の外の騒音は,億万長者の息子であり,首都の最初で最も悪名高い軍の指導者である高位の裕福な特殊部隊によって運営されており,訓練中に肩を負傷しました,特に天気の有毒な影響は寒いです, 怪我が非常に苦痛になります. ジヌキは,軍隊が上層部,特に彼の負傷や家族の権力をコントロールしようとする者同士の衝突を報告することができた医師たちに報告することを拒否している. しかし,彼はどのような毒であるかを知っており,今夜毒と欲望のないセックスを行うことができれば,彼も回復することができるでしょう. しかし,ライトが偶然女性を連れ去り,二人の運命は永遠に変わってしまった.考えた看守たちは,ボスに毒薬による苦痛を和らげてほしいと考えていました. だから外に出て,上司が蒸し風呂に入っている間にかわいい女性を見つけてください. そして,ジヌキが怪我がますます反応し始めたと思ったとき,顎が上下に硬くなり始め,激しい痛み,めまいを引き起こし,間違った部屋に入り,部屋の壁,バルコニーで滑ってしまいました. 倒壊して一つの部屋とみなします. 彼は,テーブルの下半分に横たわっている裸の女性の体が出てくるのを見て,欲望が非常に強かったので抵抗できず,兵士たちが命令を破っていると思い,彼女の片足を掴んでテーブルを引き出し彼女の体から匂いが立ち上る中,彼は催眠術で彼女にキスをしに転がり,毒も中和されて彼女の隣で眠りに落ちた.

Chapter 1.2

Sayuri ដែលស្ថិតនិង Mayumiជាងគេបារម្ហណ៏ពីប្អូនស្រីពៅជាខ្លាំងពីព្រោះលើកនេះជាបទពិសោធន៏ថ្មីសំរាប់Mayumiទោះបីជាពួកគេរៀនរួមគ្នាបែបមនុស្សធំតាមការនិយាយសន្តិនារនិងវីឌីអូ18+ដែលពួកគេមើលក៏ដោយ។ ពីព្រោះមើលទៅMayumiសំលឹងមើលនិងដូចជាធម្មតាវិភាគលើសតួនាទីដែលត្រូវរៀនទៀតដូចជាក្មេងតូចដែលមិនទាន់ដឹងក្តីហើយចំនុចខ្សោយធំបំផុតរបស់Mayumiកុំបញ្ចេះចង់សាកល្បងនិងនាងពីព្រោះនាងលេងដល់កប់ជំនាញត្រឹមការមើលScriptហើយនិងដឹងខ្លួនអង្គុយយំដូចកូនក្មេងប៉ុន្តែក៏ងាយលួងផងដែរ។ Sayuriអាចនូវប្រវត្តិគ្រួសារខាងប្រុសដែលជាកូនសេដ្ឋីសង្ហាម្នាក់ជំនួញខាងផ្នែកអាហារហើយជាជំនាញរបស់នាងពូកកែធ្វើម្ហូបផងដែរ។ នៅក្នុងប្រវត្តិថ្មីរបស់ពួកគេមានខ្សែរជាវណ្ណះនារីអភិជនកណ្តាលដែលមានផ្ទះសំណាក់ដំនាងច្រកភ្ជាប់ទៅទិសដៃគ្រប់គ្រងនៃពិភពរបស់ពួកគេផងដែរ។ Sayuriបានដឹងពីវត្តមានរបស់ដៃគូរសមាជិតក្រុមខុសប្លែកតែMayumiរវល់ដេកមិនបានមើលគូរកំនត់របស់នាងនោះទេ។ បន្ទាប់ពីគិតរួចនាងបានស្លៀកឈុតនារីទាន់សម័យរាងបែបសុភាពពីព្រោះដៃគូរណាត់ជួបគូរដណ្តឹងរបស់នាងបង្ហាញថាមានលក្ខណះជាមនុស្សដែលចូលចិត្តនារីសុភាពទន់ភ្លន់ហើយក៏មិនភ្លេចលាក់កូនកាំបិទរិតជាប់និងខ្សែរភ្លៅរបស់នាងផងដែរ។ សំលេងលឺអ៊ូអរខាងក្រៅបន្ទប់ស្នាក់នៅពិសេសMayumiដោយក្រុមកំលាំងទ្រព្យលំដាប់ខ្ពស់ដឹកនាំកងកំលាំងមេធាហានពិសេសជាកូនមហាសេដ្ឋីនិងមេកងយោធាលំដាប់ទី១ប្រចាំរាជធានីនិងជាប់ខ្សែរាជវង្សបានត្រូវរបួសក្នុងកំលុងពេលហ្វឹកហាត់សមចំស្មាជាពិសេសនោះគឺត្រជាក់ដែលចំនិងអាកាសធាតុត្រជាត់ធ្វើមុខរបួសឈឺចាប់ជាខ្លាំង។ លោកJinukiមិនព្រមអោយកំលាំងកងការពាររបស់ខ្លួនផ្តល់ដំនឹងទៅថ្នាក់លើនោះទេហើយជាពិសេសគ្រូពេទ្យព្យាបាលដែលអាចអោយដំនឹងគាត់ត្រូវរបួសលេចលឺទៅក្រៅនិងមានការដណ្តើមកើតឡើងរវាងជនដែលចង់គ្រប់គ្រងដណ្តើមសិទ្ធអំនាចរបស់គ្រួសារគាត់។ ប៉ុន្តែគាត់បានដឹងពីប្រភេទថ្នាំពិសហើយប្រសិនបើគាត់គ្រប់គ្រងនៅចំនងផ្លូវភេទដែលពិសនោះរើឡើងបាននៅយប់នេះគាត់និងអាចជាសះស្បើយឡើងវិញផងដែរ។ ប៉ុន្តែគាត់មិនដឹងទេថារឿងរ៉ាយអូសទាញបានប្រព្រឹត្តិកុំហុសទៅលើនារីម្នាក់ដោយចៃដ្រន្តនោះបានជាប់វាសនាវិលវល់រវាងអ្នកទាំងពីរជានិរដ្ត។ រំលឹកពេលដែលJinukiបញ្ជារអោយបិទជាន់ខាងលើដោយគាត់មិនដឹងថាបន្ទប់ពិសេសរបស់គាត់ជាបន្ទប់Mayumiចំពេលមេការផ្ទះសំណាក់ដល់ម៉ោងសំរាកផងដែរ។ កងទាហានដែលយាមបារម្ភណ៏ចៅហ្វាយគិតថានិងល្មើសបញ្ជារចង់អោយចៅហ្វាយចាប់រំដោះភាពឈឺចាប់ដោយសារពិសបានចេញទៅស្វែងរកនារីកំដនិងរៀបចំក្នុងបន្ទប់របស់គាត់ដែលគាត់កុំពុងត្រាំមទឹកក្តៅខាងក្រៅយ៉។ ហើយពេលដែលJinukiគិតថារបួសរបស់គាត់ចាប់ផ្តើមបញ្ជេញប្រតិកម្មកាន់តែខ្លាំងនោះថ្គាមរបស់គាត់ចាប់ផ្តើមរឹងទាំងលើនិងក្រោមធ្វើអោយគាត់ឈឺចាប់ជាខ្លាំងស្រវាំងភ្នែកហើយក៏ចូលបន្ទប់ខុសពេកដែលគាត់រអិលច្រត់ជញ្ជាំងខណ្ឌបន្ទប់យ៉រលំនិងគិតជាបន្ទប់តែមួយ។ នៅពេលដែលគាត់ឃើញរាងកាយនារីម្នាក់ដែលមិនមានសំលៀកបំពាក់ដេកពាក់កណ្តាលខ្លួនទាញមកក្រៅ។ ប៉ុន្តែរំពេចនោះមានក្លិនម្យ៉ាងចេញពីខ្លួនរបស់នាងបានធ្វើអោយរាងកាយរបស់អោនទៅថើបនាងហើយក៏ដេកលងលក់ដោយសារធាតុស្រវឹងក៏រលាយបាត់ផងដែរ។