Love me like that
Chapter 2: Retaliation Tips
In the big fort, Mayumi doesn't care much about the small room, she stays near the forest because when she was a child she used to fall asleep outside the fence in the rain, but it's difficult in the new skin of beautiful woman. Suddenly, while she was combing her long hair in front of the balcony with her white pajamas, the maids yelled at her, and she turned her face too fast, with the hair covering on her face making her look more like a ghost, and they ran away. The building near the forest, which has only one room on the second floor, and below is a room for storing all kinds of books, like a bookcase, the girl who likes reading books more than watching TV , and also less than the modern youth who are addicted to used smartphones. In fact, she has a new smartphone, but she only took photos and sent them to her sisters participating in the promotion of their products, trading the comfort of her sleeping on the mattress and being lazy to go to work like them. Considering the likelihood that she would have to meet a group of women from different families in this fort to learn special lessons from palace professors, law, ethics, discipline, etc., cannot be compared to her role in every story, every life she goes through. Adding the actual age of about 1,200 years, which is now almost 16years, she still doesn't care about the natural context in which the human planet evolves over time. After looking at the moon, she went back to her room, slept alone, read a novel, laughed like crazy in the episode, the actress was ready to die to keep her friend alive and she stole her boyfriend. Mayumi thinks that if it was her, they would all have died with her or created a blog to haunt them as ghosts (she means that her life is very precious to herself, her family and her society). But this trick only skips the next life to get a new skin, that she always protects her team when fighting for the best legend, and the thought of her story also made her fall asleep until dawn. The maid woke her up to go to school. In the rich class of Noh mask girl and beautiful trick girl, there is a couple that they have to marry to get out of this fortress, each couple has to save their money and points. And unlike her partner Jinuki on the outside as a leader, she was the one who learned to fight on her own, and there was no problem, she just hid her abilities as a weak woman, Cry baby, keep score for peace. Because most of the girls here use the trick of being a victim, just enter the first step, walk a little while hitting a girl in front of her without intention, suddenly she acts falling down and shows everyone, she used strong energy to push her as a gangster but Mayumi also pretends to fall and hold her chest, suffocating because she said she can't smell strong and expensive perfumes, this worsened her old illness, and she felt dizzy when walking so she hit a made-up woman with curly hair who was blocking the entrance. Everyone started coming for her, especially the principal's partner, who also forbade Qq to stop using too strong-smelling perfumes to come to school. Mayumi added an innocent word that QQ was embarrassed because Mayumi said such a strong perfume was only used for her praying place in her house, which made everyone laugh. Mayumi then walked towards her table at the back, unaware that her actions were under the scrutiny of Jinuki, who burst out laughing and admitted that her problem with the daughter of a well-known perfumer in the country was quickly resolved .
第 2 章: 報復のヒント
大きな砦では,真由美は狭い部屋をあまり気にせず,子供の頃,雨の中柵の外で眠っていたので森の近くに滞在しますが,美しい女性の新しい肌ではそれは困難です. 突然,彼女が白いパジャマを着てバルコニーの前で長い髪をとかしていたとき,メイドたちが彼女に怒鳴ったので,彼女はあまりにも早く顔を向きすぎたので,顔にかかる髪が彼女をより幽霊のように見せました. 逃げた. 森の近くの建物は2階に1部屋しかなく,その下は本棚のようなあらゆる種類の本を保管する部屋で,テレビを見るよりも本を読むのが好きで,現代の若者よりも好きではない女の子です 中古スマホにハマっている人. 実際,彼女は新しいスマートフォンを持っていますが,マットレスで寝る快適さと彼らのように仕事に行くのが面倒な代わりに,写真を撮って製品のプロモーションに参加している姉妹に送信するだけでした. 彼女が宮殿の教授,法律,倫理,規律などから特別な教訓を学ぶために,この砦でさまざまな家族の女性のグループに会わなければならない可能性を考えると,彼女が歩むすべての物語,すべての人生における彼女の役割を比較することはできません を通して. 実際の年齢である約 1,200 年を加えると,現在はほぼ 16年になりますが,彼女は依然として,人類の惑星が時間の経過とともに進化する自然な状況を気にしていません. 月を見た後,彼女は自分の部屋に戻り,一人で眠り,小説を読み,エピソードで狂ったように笑いました.女優は友人を生かしておくために死ぬ準備ができていて,彼氏を盗みました. マユミさんは,もし彼女だったら,みんな一緒に死ぬか,ブログを書いて幽霊として付きまとっていただろうと考えています(マユミさんは,自分にとっても,家族にとっても,社会にとっても,自分の命がとても貴重だという意味です). しかし,このトリックは新しいスキンを得るために次の人生をスキップするだけであり,彼女は最高の伝説のために戦うときに常にチームを守るというものであり,彼女の物語の考えはまた,朝まで眠ってしまった. メイドは彼女を学校に行くために起こした. 能面少女と美しいトリック少女の裕福な階級には,この要塞から抜け出すために結婚しなければならないカップルがあり,各カップルはお金とポイントを節約する必要があります. そして,リーダーとしての表向きのパートナーのジヌキとは異なり,彼女は自分で戦うことを学んだ人であり,問題はありませんでした,彼女は弱い女性としての能力を隠していただけです,クライベイビー,平和のためにスコアを維持してください. ここの女の子のほとんどは被害者になるトリックを使うから,最初の一歩だけ入って,意図せずに目の前の女の子を殴りながら少し歩いて,突然彼女が倒れる動作をして皆に見せ,強いエネルギーを使って彼女を押した しかし,真由美も倒れるふりをして胸を押さえ,強く高価な香水の匂いが嗅げないと言って窒息し,それが持病を悪化させ,歩くとめまいを感じたため,メイクした女性を巻き毛で殴った. 入り口を塞いでいた髪. 誰もが彼女を求めてやって来るようになり,特に校長のパートナーは,学校に来るときに匂いが強すぎる香水の使用をやめるようにQqに禁じました. マユミは,そんな強い香水は家の中の祈りの場所にしか使わないと言っていたので,QQは恥ずかしかったと無邪気な一言を付け加えて,みんなを笑わせました. それから真由美は,自分の行動がジヌキの監視下にあるとは知らずに,奥のテーブルに向かって歩き出した.ジヌキは大笑いし,この国の有名な調香師の娘との問題はすぐに解決したと認めた.
Love me like this
chapter 2 : ល្បិចតបស្នងជាប់អន្ទាក់ខ្លួនឯងវិញ
នៅក្នុងបន្ទាយធំMayumiមិនសូវខ្វល់រឿងបន្ទប់តូចដែលនាងស្នាក់នៅនោះទេ។ ធ្លាក់ដេកក្រៅរបងផ្ទះការនៅតូចហាលភ្លៀងក៏នាងធ្លាប់ដេកដែលប៉ុន្តែវាពិបាកក្នុងSkinថ្មីជានារីស្រស់ស្អាតម្នាក់។ រំពេចនោះនៅពេលដែលកុំពុងសិតសក់ដ៏វែងរបស់នាងនៅមុខយ៉ជាមួយឈុតគេងស្រាប់តែក្រុមអ្នកបំរើស្រីៗស្រែកខ្មោចចៃដ្រន្តនាងងើយមុខលឿនពេកដោយសក់បាំងនោះធ្វើអោយកាន់តែដូចខ្មោចហើយពួកគេនាំគ្នារត់ចេញពីតំអាគារក្បែរព្រៃរបស់នាងដែលមានតែបន្ទប់មួយជាន់ទី២ហើយខាងក្រោមនោះជាបន្ទប់រក្សាសៀវភៅគ្រប់ប្រភេទដូចជាបណ្ណាល័យមួយដែលជាមនុស្សដែលចូលចិត្តអានសៀវភៅបំផុតច្រើនជាងមើលTVហើយក៏កំរជាងយុវវ័យសម័យថ្មីដែលមានទូសព្ទ៍ប្រើប្រាស់ផងដែរ។ ការពិតនាងSmart phone ទាន់សម័យប៉ុន្តែបានត្រឹមយកកាន់ថតបង្ហាញក្រុមបងស្រីរបស់នាងចូលរួមផ្សព្វផ្សាយផលិតផលលក់របស់គាត់ដោះដូរនិងការដេករមៀលលើពូកនិងការខ្វិលចេញទៅធ្វើការខាងក្រៅផ្ទះដូចជាពួកគាត់។ នៅពេលគិតពីរឿងទំនងដែលនាងត្រូវជួបនិងក្រុមនារីមកពីគ្រួសារផ្សេងៗក្នុងបន្ទាយនេះដើម្បីរៀនវគ្គពិសេសពីគ្រូមកពីរាជវាំងច្បាប់សិលធម៍វិន័យជាដើមនោះមិនអាចប្រៀបនឹងនាងដើរតួរគ្រប់រឿងគ្រប់ជាតិមកហើយបើបូកអាយុពិតប្រហែល១២០០ឆ្នាំជាងរឺឥលូវនេះជិត16ឆ្នាំហើយក៏ដោយនាងនៅខ្វល់ពីបរិបទធម្មជាតិដែលភពមនុស្សប្រែប្រួលតាមសម័យកាលនោះទេ។ បន្ទាប់ពីសំលឹងមើលព្រះច័ន្ទរួចនាងក៏ទៅក្នុងបន្ទប់វិញដេកអានសៀវភៅប្រលោមលោកម្នាក់ឯងសើចដូចឆ្កួតត្រង់វគ្គតួរស្រីសុខចិត្តស្លាប់ដើម្បីអោយមិត្តរបស់នាងរស់ហើយមិត្តរបស់នាងជាអ្នកលួចសង្សាររបស់ខ្លួនទៀត។ Mayumiគិតថាប្រសិនបើជានាងវិញនោះអស់បានមកស្លាប់ជាមួយទេដើរចេញហើយបង្កើតPageធ្វើខ្មោច លងទាំងពីរនាក់ដល់ឆ្កួតហើយចាំធ្វើដំនើរទៅកាន់ប្រទេសក្រៅសំរាកខួរ។ ( ចង់ប្រាប់ថាជីវិតរបស់អញមានតំលៃណាស់សំរាប់ខ្លួនឯងបងប្អូនសាច់ញាតិនិងសង្គមរបស់អញ) ។ ប៉ុន្តែវគ្គល្បិចនេះទាល់តែរំលងលោតclick ជីវិតបន្ទាប់ទើបបានSkinថ្មីដែលនាងតែងតែការពារTeamរបស់នាងនៅពេលប្រយុទ្ធសំលាប់ឡើងដល់កំពូលLegendហើយការគិតពីដំនើររឿងរបស់នាងនោះក៏បានធ្វើអោយនាងងងុយដេកលក់រហូតដល់ភ្លឺមានអ្នកបំរើស្រីបានដាស់នាងអោយទៅរៀន។ នៅក្នុងថ្នាក់សំបូរដោយNoh mask girlនិងស្រីស្អាតកំពូលល្បិចមានជាគូរដែលពួកគេត្រូវរៀបការដើម្បីចេញបន្ទាយនេះបានគូរនីមួយត្រូវសន្សំលុយនិងពិន្ទុរបស់ពួកគេ។ ហើយខុសប្លែកពីគូររបស់នាងJinukiជាប្រធានអោយនាងឈររៀនប្រយុទ្ធម្នាក់ហើយសំរាប់នាងគ្មានបញ្ហានោះទេគ្រាន់តែនាងលាក់សមត្ថភាពរបស់នាងជានារីភេទទន់ខ្សោយរំអួយCry babyសន្សំសុខ។ ពីព្រោះពួកស្រីៗនៅទីនេះភាគច្រើនប្រើល្បិចជាVictim ដោយគ្រាន់តែចូលវគ្គដំបូងដើរបុកតែបន្តិចធ្វើដួលនិងបង្ហាញគ្រប់គ្នានាងជាស្រីជើងកាងចៃដ្រន្តនាងក៏ធ្វើជាដួលវិញនិងចាប់ទ្រូងថប់ដង្ហើមដោយសារតែនាងប្រាប់ថានាងធុំឃ្លិនទឹកអប់ប្រេនថ្លៃៗមិនបានធ្វើអោយជំងឺចាស់រើឡើងហើយនាងវិលមុខទើបដើរបុកនារីសក់ក្រងដែលឈរបាំងផ្លូវចូល។ គ្រប់គ្នាចាប់ផ្តើមលើកនាងឡើងជាពិសេសគូររបស់ប្រធានថ្នាក់គ្រប់គ្រងក៏បានហាមឃាត់Qq ឈប់ប្រើទឹកអប់ដែលមានឃ្លិនឆួលខ្លាំងមករៀនទៀត។ Mayumi ឈ្លៀតបន្ថែមពីក្រោយអោយQQអាម៉ាសមុខជាខ្លាំងដោយសារតែនាងនិយាយឃ្លិនទឹកអប់ឈួលខ្លាំងៗបែបនេះគឺប្រើសំរាប់តែសែនព្រេងជំនាងផ្ទះរបស់នាងប៉ុននោះដែលធ្វើអោយគ្រប់គ្នាសើចទប់ពោះជាខ្លាំង។ បន្ទាប់Mayumiក៏ដើរទៅអង្គុយតុចុងក្រោយរបស់នាងដោយមិនដឹងថាទង្វើររបស់នាងក្រោមការអង្កេតរបស់Jinukiដែលសើចចេញមកនិងភាពរហ័សដោះស្រាយបញ្ហារបស់នាងជាមួយកូនស្រីរបស់អ្នកជំនួញលក់គ្រឿងក្រអូបដ៏ល្បីប្រចាំប្រទេសនោះទេ។