alpha 2

Episode 2

Reki wakes up in a ruined building with H as she watches him, then wakes up when Reki grabs her chest, thinking he is dreaming, but slaps him once and she kisses him again and brings his memory back. Reki refuses to be her master, but the moment he moves a little, his veins swell so much that he can no longer live without her. Having no choice, he brought her to live with him. When H got into his Legend car, she saw that she and his genitals were together, causing a lot of convulsions, moaning, and steam coming out of her body that could put her to sleep in Reki's car. Reki introduced a new member of the unit and led her to the first test in the noise room and discovered that the sound of a monster with a lot of spirit was suppressed and emitted by the Bass ambient music which flowed across the laboratory like a glass screen with the eyes. And Spirit Steam, as those eyes looked up and down H's body to tighten H's body, which pulled him into the high note of the piano between her anger and his pain. The unrequited have full of anger of a teacher who composes songs for his students. But H, she didn't understand people's feelings, so she broke the control and ice of her severed sword-shaped hand. The eye sees that the sixth eye has equality, darkness and many shadows of souls, in which There are many Zone spirit patterns painted in doubt, which form the rotation of a set of music . Their voices hurt as the sixth light melted. And H, she flew back and forth, pulling the monster's tail in turn like an Infinite sigh, with the movement of her arms twisting and pulling the habit of touching her leg, as if dancing on one leg, hanging the fabric and the orange by the cord that ran through the suit at her 12 feet speed stomped on the electrical energy to kill the voice monster that the force of her foot caused the entire building to shake and the bricks fell to the ground where the monster was killed. The unit officials who witnessed the incident were shocked that she could easily kill a level 2 monster. Reki, who is now taking her to a monster glass storage experiment in an underground factory, goes to a tower where the spaceships are in each room, their power level, and hands her a key card that stays in the room next to him. H, who also took off her suit, soaked in water, using the cold energy to help and heal her wounds. When the apple melted, she also suffered serious internal injuries. To H, she is a spirited angel who can easily control the planet, but no one knows what the purpose of the new law is. For Reki, she explained the code that her blood included, it measured the energy level with each movement and improved the special equations with psychology, movement, tranquility, speed/rotation loop, time/ repetition/reversal and the spirit/energy of fair control. Etc. by Sinner or Heaven. And the force regime level can be a vapor of attraction and illusion when one sacrifices oneself in the full moon or falls to survive in the dark world by flying and jumping, just Reki close his eyes, his body glows as he imagines he is standing on top from Tokyo Tower, and his eyes were wide open, and the ground and atmosphere around him were spinning unevenly, causing him to fall, but there was a strange vapor when he regained consciousness and was able to fly in visible aerial balance. As H appeared, she grabbed his hand with a congratulatory smile and hugged him, flying through the moonlight, causing Reki to wake up and the first peaceful sleep of his life, but little did he know that H had been sleeping naked on his body since when.

Note: Music is based on the meaning of the story, the composition, or the feeling of the expression to describe something. So if someone's emotions are not constant, focus on your own similar lessons and think of a lot of negativity and can cause you to fall into a lot of fantasy worlds, especially mental illness. If you think that each person has to spend full time understanding you and your feelings, you should find out about yourself in advance and give a real reason for the people around you to start communicating with you and learn to accept Reality lives in the real world as well.


レキはHと一緒に廃墟の建物で目を覚まし,彼を見守ります.その後,レキが夢を見ていると思って彼女の胸を掴むと目が覚めますが,一度彼を平手打ちし,彼女は再び彼にキスして彼の記憶を取り戻します. レキは彼女の主人になることを拒否しますが,彼が少し動いた瞬間に血管が膨張し,彼女なしでは生きられなくなります. 仕方なく,彼は彼女を連れて一緒に住まわせた. H がレジェンドの車に乗り込んだとき,彼女と彼の性器が一緒になっているのがわかり,多くのけいれん,うめき声​​,そして体から蒸気が出てきて,レキの車の中で眠ってしまうほどでした. レキはユニットの新メンバーを紹介し,騒音室での最初のテストに案内した.そこで,実験室をガラス張りのように流れていた環境音楽「Bass」によって,気合の入ったモンスターの音が抑制され発せられることを発見した. 目で,精霊の蒸気が,H の体を上下に見つめて体を引き締め,H を彼女の怒りと痛みの間でピアノの高音へと引き込みました. 報われない者たちは,生徒のために歌を作る教師に怒りを抱いている. でも,Hさんは人の気持ちが分からないから,切断された剣状の手の制御と氷を壊してしまいました. 目は,第六の目に平等,闇,そして多くの魂の影があることを見ます.その中には,疑わしい状態で描かれた多くのゾーンの魂のパターンがあり,それらが一連の音楽の回転を形成します. 6番目の光が溶けるにつれて,彼らの声は痛んだ. そして,H,彼女は前後に飛び,無限のため息のように怪物の尾を順番に引っ張り,片足で踊っているかのように腕をひねったり足に触れる癖を付けたりしながら,布地とオレンジをぶら下げました. 彼女の12フィートのスピードでスーツの中を通ったコードが電気エネルギーを踏みつけて声の怪物を殺し,その足の力で建物全体が揺れ,レンガが地面に落ちて怪物が殺された. この事件を目撃した部隊関係者は,彼女がレベル2のモンスターを簡単に殺せることに衝撃を受けました. 地下工場のモンスターガラス保管実験に彼女を連れて行っているレキは,各部屋の宇宙船とそのパワーレベルが記載されている塔に行き,隣の部屋にあるキーカードを彼女に手渡します. Hさんもスーツを脱いで水に浸かり,冷たいエネルギーを使って傷を癒しました. リンゴが溶けたとき,彼女も内臓に重傷を負った. Hにとって彼女は地球を簡単にコントロールできる精力的な天使だが,新しい法の目的は誰にも分からない. レキの場合,彼女は自分の血液に含まれるコードを説明しました.それは各動きのエネルギーレベルを測定し,心理学,動き,静けさ,速度/回転ループ,時間/繰り返し/逆転,そして公正な制御の精神/エネルギーを備えた特別な方程式を改善しました. . 罪人や天国など. そして,満月の中で自分自身を犠牲にしたり,暗闇の世界で生き残るために飛んだりジャンプしたりするとき,フォースレジームレベルは魅力と幻想の蒸気になる可能性があります,レキが目を閉じるだけで,彼が立っていると想像すると体が輝きます 東京タワーの上から見下ろし,目は大きく見開かれ,周囲の地面と大気が不均一に回転して彼は落下したが,意識を取り戻した時には奇妙な蒸気が発生し,目に見える空中バランスで飛行することができた. Hが現れると,彼女は祝福の笑みを浮かべて彼の手を掴み,抱きしめ,月明かりの中を飛び,レキを目覚めさせ,人生初の安らかな眠りをもたらしたが,それ以来,Hが自分の体の上で裸で眠っていたとは彼はほとんど知らなかった.

Episode 2

Rekiដែលភ្ញាក់ដឹងខ្លួនក្នុងអាគារបាក់បែកជាមួយHដែលនាងអង្គុយសំលឹងមើលគាត់រួចក៏ភ្ញាក់ខ្លួនពេលដែលRekiបានចាប់ដើមទ្រូងរបស់នាងគិតថាគាត់កុំពុងសុបិន្តប៉ុន្តែត្រូវបានទះគាត់មួយកំផ្លៀងមុននិងនាងចាប់គាត់ថើបម្តងទៀតដែលធ្វើការចងចាំរបសគាត់មកវិញ។ Rekiបានបដិសេធក្នុងការធ្វើជាmasterរបស់នាងប៉ុន្តែគ្រាន់តែគាត់កំរើខ្លួនបន្តិចនោះសរសៃឈាមរបស់គាត់ប៉ោងឡើងដែលគាត់មិនអាចរស់ដោយគ្មាននាងនោះទេ។ ដោយគ្មានជំរើសគាត់បាននាំមករស់នៅជាមួយគាត់ដែលពេលដែលHជិះឡានLegendរបស់គាត់ឃើញថាសែនរបស់នាងនិងគាត់បានរួមគ្នាធ្វើអោយរមួលខ្លួនជាខ្លាំងថ្ងូរនិងមានចំហាយចេញពីខ្លួនរបស់នាងដែលអាចធ្វើអោយនាងដេកលក់ស្ងួលក្នុងឡានរបស់Reki។ Rekiបានណែនាំជាសមាជិតថ្មីរបស់អង្គភាពដែលគាត់បាននាំទៅធ្វើតេសដំបូងក្នុងបន្ទប់Noise ហើយឃើញថាសំលេងតេសបីសាចដែលមានSpirtជាច្រើនត្រូវបានឃុំនិងចេញតាមBass vibe music ដែលចរន្តឆ្លងកាត់បន្ទប់ពិសោធន៏ជាផ្ទាំង កញ្ចក់ដែលមានភ្នែកនិងឈាមចំហាយSpiritដែលពេលដែលភ្នែកទាំងនោះសំលឹងចុះឡើងហើយរុំព័ន្ធខ្លួនរបស់Hដើម្បីរឹតសុីខ្លួនរបស់Hដែលវាបានអូសនាងធ្លាក់ចូលក្នុងNote សំលេងព្យាណូកំរិតខ្ពស់រវាងការរំខានចិត្តរបស់នាងអោយមានកំហឹងនិងឈឺចាប់តាមស្នេហាដែលមិនសមបំណងពេញដោយកំហឹងរបស់លោកគ្រូម្នាក់ដែលតែងបទចំរៀងអោយកូនសិស្សរបស់គាត់។ ប៉ុន្តែHនាងមិនយល់ពីអារម្មណ៏របស់មនុស្សនោះទេខ្សែរក្រណាត់ព្យាណូNoteភ្លេងនោះត្រូវបានដៃរបស់នាងចាប់ជាប់ហើយនាងក៏ប្រើថាមពលសែនទឹកកកដៃរបស់នាងដោះជារឿងដែកបន្លាផ្លាទឹកកកចាក់ទំលុះភ្នែកទី៦ដែលនាងរាប់គ្រាប់ភ្នែកទាំងឃើញថាភ្នែកទី៦មានសមភាពខ្មៅងងឹតនិងស្រមោលព្រលឹងជាច្រើនដែលក្នុងភ្នែកនោះមានគំនូរZone spirit ជាច្រើនដែលបង្កើតជារឿងវិលជុំរបស់កំនត់នៃភ្លេងតន្ត្រីបីសាចទាំងអស់បានចាប់សុីព្រលឹងមនុស្សឃុំនៅក្នុងនោះធ្វើសំលេងរបស់ពួកវាឈឺចាប់ពេលដែលភ្លឺកទី៦បានរលាយ។ ហើយHនាងបានហោះត្រឡប់ខ្ពស់ទាញកន្ទុយក្រណាត់ជារឿងInfiniteដោយចលនាដៃរបស់នាងដែលបង្វិលនិងទាញទំលាប់ទាក់និងជើងរបស់នាងដូចជាកំពុងរាំលើជើងម្ខាងទ្ពក់ក្រណាត់និងហើយសរសៃទឹក្រូចដែលកាត់តាមSuitតំបន់ជើងរបស់នាង 12 feet speed បានជាន់ផ្តាច់ជីវិតបីសាចVoiceនោះបានសំរេចដែលកំលាំងជើងរបស់នាងធ្វើអោយអាគារទាំងមូលរញ្ជូយនិងឥដ្ឋបាក់ស្រុះចុះក្រោមកន្លែងដែលបានជាន់សំលាប់បីសាចនោះ។ ក្រុមមន្រ្តីអង្គភាពដែលឃើញហេតុការណ៏នោះភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលជាខ្លាំងដែលនាងអាចសំលាប់បីសាចកំរិត២បានយ៉ាងងាយស្រួល។ Rekiដែលពេលនេះបាននាំនាងទៅកាន់កែវផ្ទុកបីសាចស្នាននីយ៏រោងចក្រក្រោមដីដល់ធំមួយហើយក៏នាងទៅប៉មដែលយាន្តអាកាសដែលមានតាមរៀងបន្ទប់នីមួយៗលំដាប់កំរិតថ្នាក់ថាមពលរបស់ពួកគេនិងហុចកាតសោរអោយនាងដែលនាងស្នាក់នៅបន្ទប់ក្បែរគាត់។ Hដែលនាងក៏បានដោះក្រណាត់Suitរបស់នាងចញដេកត្រាំមទឹកដោយនាងប្រើថាមពលត្រជាក់ជំនួយនិងព្យាបាលរបួសរបស់នាងពេលដែលផ្លែប៉ោមរលាយនាងក៏ត្រូវរបួសខាងក្នុងខ្លាំងផងដែរ។ សំរាប់Hនាងជាពពួលសែន angel កាត់ Spirit កំរិតខ្ពស់ដែលតាមភពរបស់នាងអាចគ្រប់គ្រងពិភពផែនដីបានយ៉ាងស្រួលប៉ុន្តែគ្មាននរណាដឹងពីគោលបំនងរបស់នៃការបង្កើតច្បាប់ថ្មីនោះជាអ្វីនោះទេ។ សំរាប់Rekiដែលនាងបានពន្យល់កូដដែលឈាមរបស់នាងរួមបញ្ចូលគាត់វាស់តាមកំរិតថាមពលដែលគ្រប់ចលនានិងបង្កើនសមភាពពិសេសដែលមានចិត្តវិជ្ជា ការបំលាស់ទី ការសណ្តំចិត្ត speed/ spin loop Time / repeat / reverse និង spirit/ loyal control energy ជាដើមតាមSinner រឺ heaven ។ ហើយ កំរិត នៃភាព strong diet អាចមានចំហាយនៃ ការទាក់ទាញអោយស្រលាញ់និងភាពវង្វេងខ្លាំងពេលដែល Sacrifice on Full moon រឺការទំលាក់ខ្លួន survive ពិភពងងឹតដោយfly និងJumperដោយគ្រាន់តែRekiបិទភ្នែករំពចនោះរាងកាយរបស់គាត់shine ដោយគាត់ស្រមៃតាមគាត់នៅចុះកំពូលTokyo towerហើយភ្នែកគាត់ស្រវាំងជាខ្លាំងរួចផ្ទៃដីនិងបរិយាកាសជុំវិញខ្លួនគាត់បង្វិលមិនស្មើរគ្នាធ្វើអោយគាត់ឈានទៅមុនធ្លាក់ចុះក្រោមតែមានចំហាយចំលែកពេលដែលគាត់តាំងស្មារតីបានហើយអាចហោះអណ្តែកអាកាសដែលឃើញតាមHបានលេចឡើងនាងចាប់ដៃរបស់គាត់ដោយស្នាមញញឹមអបអររួចអោបគាត់ហោះកាត់ពន្លឺព្រះច័ន្ទដែលធ្វើអោយRekiភ្ញាក់ដឹងខ្លួននិងការដេកលើកទី១ដែលស្ងប់សុខបំផុតក្នុងជីវិតរបស់គាត់តែមិនដឹងថាHដេកស្រាតលើខ្លួនរបស់គាត់តាំងពីពេលណានោះទេ។