Dorian is missing

[Player: Dorian Van Cypher]

Class: Reach level 15 for the class quest.

Level: 10 (1460 experience points to level 11)

HP: 6/17

MP: 10/10



"Five more levels to finish the tutorial quest. The system, could you add the stat points from the reward and put them to my strength?"

[Available stat points: 3

Available reward points: 7]

[STR: 23/23]

"Good girl! Who is a good girl? You are!"

Dorian began teasing the system, and a few moments later, he fell to the ground. The system was so irritated it electrocuted Dorian to the point his skin smoked. The system was so enraged by Dorian's behavior that it snapped and electrocuted him so hard that Dorian thought he would die.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

Dorian wondered if the god would reincarnate him. When the system calmed down, Dorian continued to lie on the ground. His clothes and skin were still burning, but he could tolerate it with a massive pain resistance and enhanced defense.

"Please remind me not to tease this woman ever again."

[Who are you talking to, Dorian?]

"The readers."

One more wave of electricity reached Dorian's body. The system began searching her settings but was disappointed, as she could not find a self-destruct option.

Meanwhile, Sara spread out the servants and hunters to search for Dorian. She came to check up on Dorian and noticed he wasn't here, so she waited. But when the night came, and Dorian never returned, she felt extremely uneasy.

"Spread out, and search the forest."

"Lady Sara, is it necessary to make a fuss over a slave?"

The hunter was curious, as he never saw Sara distressed. Usually, Sara is cold-hearted to everyone. It seemed weird that she was so nervous about a missing enslaved person.

"You dare to question me? Who do you think you are?"

She walked closer to the hunter and slapped him. She was already lousy mood over Dorian's disappearance, but now a lowly hunter questioned her actions.

"I am sorry, miss."

Hunter realized that this was the wrong time to question her and kneeled in apology. He thought there was a reason for it. When Sara relaxed, she answered him.

"Dorian is enslaved, yes. However, he has noble blood. His family may have sold him off, but if he were to die, it is unknown how they will react."

Not to mention the fact that Sara developed feelings for Dorian. But she hid her feelings and felt like it was a must to answer the hunter's question so that she could clear any misunderstanding.

"What?! Dorian is nobility?"

"Yes. Ever heard of a Noya family?"

Out of surprise, the hunter dropped his sword. Noya's family is one of the most mysterious that works directly under the king. They are famous for their thirst for magical knowledge and produced some of the most powerful magicians in the kingdom. Among the citizens of the Lightburn kingdom, there are silent rumors about the dangerous magical experiments that the Noya family does.

"The Noya's family? Is this true? Dorian is Noya?"

"Indeed. Dorian's parents abandoned him because Dorian had no mana capacity, nor could he absorb any mana. Such a child in the Noya family was a disgrace. They sold him out when he was a baby."

"Does he know that?"

"I don't know. It doesn't look like Dorian has much of his memories. Which is probably for the best."

Sara was feeling nervous, and because of a habit, she scratched her neck to the point it bled. She used magic to search for Dorian's whereabouts. However, it did not work as Dorian had a unique soul.

"What is going on? Did someone put a defensive spell on Dorian?"

Sara was confused. The spell could not find Dorian's whereabouts, but it could still tell that Dorian was still alive. So, in her opinion, the only way this could happen was if someone kidnapped Dorian and cast a counterspell against the search spell.

"Search everywhere. I want Dorian here before the sun rises."

Angry and confused, she continued with different types of search spells. However, the answer was always the same. It showed Dorian's vital signs, however, not the whereabouts.

"Ahhh! What the fuck is going on?!"

She got angry and started kicking the wooden fence. The uncertainty about Dorian's safety made her feel unease. Her heart was beating fast, and her hands were shaking. Cold sweat was running down her face.

"Dorian, where are you?!"

Meanwhile, Dorian was trying to make a fire. After a while, he finally created a spark with the system's instructions and lit some leaves. He was hungry, and he killed a gigantic snake about 3 meters in length. The snake helped him level up once.

"Let there be light! ~,"

Dorian cut off the slice of the snake and slowly roasted it. The smell seemed awful, so he pinched his nose.

"Are you sure this thing is edible? It smells horrible!"

[Yes, it is edible. The snake was not poisonous.]

Dorian took a bite, and the snake tasted delicious, to his surprise. He cut off another slice.


The snake tasted spicy. However, that's the way Dorian loved his food. So even though many people would have hated it, it was an absolute win for Dorian. He greedily chewed on the roasted snake, and suddenly he heard a notification sound.

[New skill unlocked - Gluttony.]


[You unlocked 'Gluttony' by taking one bite of a monster? How can someone be so compatible with sins?!]

Dorian quickly chewed the meat. He wanted to see if the skill would be as powerful as a 'sloth.' Because both passive skills are from sin's category, he had great expectations.

"System, could you open my status?"

[Player: Dorian Van Cypher]

Class: Reach level 15 for the class quest.

Level: 11 (3000 experience points to level 12)

HP: 18/18

MP: 13/13



Dorian put all three stat points into the mana because he thought he had enough strength and defense for survival in this forest. He also had seven reward points.

"Thanks. And now, please show me my skills."