4.14 Over it

Cillian woke up and looked at Tian who was still asleep. He sighed and caressed his cheek. He's honestly starting to get annoyed with the twins. It's a good thing he's almost done.

He only thought about how fun it would be to have two Gege but it isn't all that fun. He doesn't like how they keep so much from him. Even the way they have their psychic conversation in front of him.

They said that they'll be more open and that they trust him but Tian immediately panicked when he saw the love in his eyes. Can't they just say we love you please give us a chance?

They tried to manipulate him so he would beg them to have him like it isn't already bad enough that from the beginning they planned on sleeping with him and then discarding him after manipulating him into getting more than they should.