6.4 Cute? How dare you!

Cillian looked out the carriage window as he rode back to the palace. Before the crown prince's tutoring, he had to take care of a few things. He came back 10 minutes before to make sure he can speak to commander Shenyan.

He checked Bloom and saw that he was with the emperor and Xinyu in the royal garden. The three of them are very close. They're like a family. Cillian came down and went up the stairs.

He walked to the back and strolled to the doors that led outside. Two guards were guarding it. He tried to pass, but they immediately blocked the way. One guard said:

"His majesty said not to be disrupted."

Cillian rolled his eyes and whistled. Since the door was open, the three of them who had their back to him, turned around when they heard him. Shenyan walked toward him first. He knows that if he came early, there must be something.

They entered the room and Cillian bowed quickly.

"Your majesty."

Tianlin nodded.