7.6 Duty

Cillian entered the bathroom and locked himself in a stall. He infused his soul with power and took deep breaths. He obviously knows that Lucas has feelings for Adlai, but he wants to avoid seeing it.

He leaned his head against the door and closed his eyes. If he falls apart every time he kisses Adlai, he'll never succeed. Cillian will never give up, no matter how hard it becomes.

The only good thing about seeing them kiss is that he was bothered by Lucas kissing Adlai, not the other way around. Between his feelings for Lucas and Gege, he feels possessive like he usually would.

And he's starting to feel anger toward Adlai. Which is good. He'll only be able to get revenge if he is angry.

He looked at Bliss when he asked:

*Master, are you alright?*

Cillian sneered:

*Is that a real question? How can I be okay when my soulmate is kissing someone else and not just anyone, but the person who had me killed?*