His Anger.

Accalia furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering whether Jane was just foolish around or what. She clearly remembers that she failed to answer any of the questions in the interview. She ran off in tears.

“I don't understand Mrs McCain. I failed to answer any of the questions that man asked me back there.” She bowed her head in shame.

“To be honest I don't know why but hey! Let's look on the brighter side here, you got the job Lia. This is a huge opportunity for you. I'm sure that they must have seen the potential in you and that's why they chose you. Look, it's mail for you.” Jane handed her the mail.

Accalia read everything that was written in the mail. She couldn't believe her eyes, Jane was right about everything, they indeed chose her as the CEO’s secretary but her questions remained unanswered as to why they chose her out of all the candidates that were there. She felt strange, like she felt when she first stepped into the company. None of it felt right to her, none.

“You will be starting your new job tomorrow honey, aren't you happy about that?” Jane asked. Accalia's face didn't reflect any happiness and that got Jane worried. She knew what kind of a person Accalia was but she wanted her to go out and find some friends, maybe even a life partner.

“I-i don't know about Mrs McCain. W-why would they choose me out of all the other—”

“Stop it Lia. They wanted you and not them, stop over thinking this, just be happy that you got the job. I have heard that the CEO is a Greek god, who knows maybe you two might be acquainted with each other in a good way.” Jane winked.

She could swear that she saw Accalia's cheeks turning rosy before she bowed her head. Jane was sure that the job was going to change Accalia's life in a good way and there was no doubt about it.

“So what do you think? Are you gonna give it a try?” Jane asked, hoping that Accalia would say yes.

Accalia took a very deep breath, rethinking everything. Was she ready for this step? What if Davis was going to find her through this job because the company was surely a famous one? Many thoughts kept rushing across her mind like a tidal wave threatening to crumble her down.

“Lia, you zoned out. What's wrong honey? Look, if you don't want to do this then I'm not gonna force you into doing it. It's your decision at the end of the day. Let me write back to them, let me tell them that you won't be able to do this because of some personal reasons. It's not like they're gonna get you arrested or something.” Jane grabbed her laptop and sat on the sofa with her glasses on.

“W-wait Mrs McCain. I-i can do this...” She trailed off, fiddling with her long floral dress.

“Are you sure about this, Lia?” Jane asked, with a worried look on. As much as she wanted this for Accalia, she didn't want her to do something she wasn't comfortable with.

She nodded, “Y-yes. I can't be like a burden to you forever.”

Jane scoffed, folding her arms below her breasts. “What makes you think you're a burden to me Lia?”

Accalia kept on fiddling with her dress. She knew that she had hurt Jane's feelings with her words. Not once did Jane ever make her feel like a burden.

Accalia sniffed. “I-i'm sorry I didn't mean to say that to you.”

“You better be sorry or else I would have not given you your ice cream.” Jane smiled, wiping Accalia's tears away. Accalia couldn't help it but jump into Jane's arms and sobbed on her shoulder.

“I-i'm so-sorry...”

“It's fine, I'm not angry Lia. Come, let's go and get your ice cream. It's kind of hot outside and we have to go and buy new clothes for you.”

Accalia opened her mouth.

“Don't you dare say no Lia! You have hurt my feelings two minutes back so you have to make up for it,” Jane mumbled.

Accalia had no choice but to say ‘yes’ to Jane.

* * LYCAN * *

Just like every night, Daminor stood at the top of his tower, from there he could see his little kingdom, the kingdom he had built from scratch. This was what his father has always wanted for him, to be a ruler and to be an Alpha king but not just any Alpha king, a powerful, fearless and ruthless Alpha king.

A knock on the door didn't seem to shake him at all. The knock came again, Daminor remained silent.

Alpine, an older female wolf entered with a wooden ball filled with valerian root herb for Daminor.

“I told you I don't need that anymore, Alpine.” Daminor groaned.

Alpine sighed deeply. “You need this Alpha king, please have it so that you can at least have some—”

“I don't want to sleep, Alpine. I gave you an order never to bring this to me. I no longer need herbs, I'm fine.”

“It's been two weeks since you stopped taking the herbs. I know that you haven't slept since then. I know you're scared of child but we're all here for you. Nothing is going to happen Daminor and you know that.” Alpine tried her best to convince Daminor.

She knew his fears very well. He feared to have those nightmares again, he feared for his people.

“Your words won't soothe me, Alpine. Take that bowl away and leave. When we thought everything was fine and relaxed, everything was taken away from us in a blink of an eye. We lost everything we had, we lost our families and you were there when it all happened.” He didn't have to say anything else.

The older woman's face paled, bitter memories of the past came rushing across her mind. She was Luna's servant back in the days, Daminor was still a child and she used to take care of him. He used to be such a joyous little alpha prince, there was nothing he loved than his family and his people. She remembered how he used to smile, that cute smile of his when he used to tell her about Leia. All the events of the past had affected him and he wasn't the same anymore. It pained her to see him like that each day that passed by.

They heard another knock on his door. Daminor looked away while Alpine stood by.

Dysemy entered the room and Alpine saw it as a cue to leave. She grabbed her wooden bowl but Dysemy stopped her. “Give it to me.”

Alpine handed the bowl over to Dysemy and made her way out of the room.

“Please drink it, Alpha king,” Dysemy pleaded. She made her way towards him, her corset exposing her flawless tummy, the underskirt didn't do much to hide away her long straight creamy legs either. No doubt that she was a beautiful woman.

“You need to drink this so you can rest. You haven't rested in weeks now, I have been observing your every move. Please Alpha king.”

“Leave Dysemy, I don't want to talk to anyone now.”

Her smooth hand found its way to his naked rigid back. “I know your fears but resting for today won't make a difference. How will you be able to fight for us if you don't rest? It's a question of your health here.”

“I don't need any rest to fight for my people, Dysemy and you know that.”

“What about Leia's last wish then? Don't you care about that too?”

Daminor's eyes changed its colour to red. Dysemy squirmed as Daminor groped her arm and the bowl fell down, spilling the herb inside of it.

Dysemy's heart skipped a bit, there's nothing she could do to calm him down when he was angry. The mention of Leia's name made him more mad, not at Dysemy but himself.

“A-Alpha... Calm down please.” She caressed his cheek, something she always does to calm him down whenever he gets angry. Dysemy knew that the Alpha will never hurt her, same with his people.

Daminor groaned, “You have to leave Dysemy.”

“I know that you'll never hurt me.” Dysemy wrapped her arms around his naked waist, her head nestled on his chest. How she liked being that close to him.

He pushed her away slightly. “Now Dysemy.”

“Why is it so hard for you to accept?”

“Accept what, Dysemy?”

“To accept me as your Luna!” She exclaimed.

“Dysemy.” He called her name in a form of a warning.

“You know I'm worthy of being the female leader of this pack and your Luna but you don't want to accept it! Leia will never come back to you—” that was it, Daminor grabbed her neck. Dysemy struggled to breathe.

“Do you dare mention her name? You will never be her. You will never be my Luna! Only Leia will ever rule my heart, body and soul. No one else will ever be my Luna, not even you!” Daminor growled.

Tears streamed down Dysemy's face as Daminor loosened his grip on her neck. It was th e first time he had ever raised his hands on her.

She ran out of the door in tears. His wolf growled in pain.