CH 1. Accident

It was a normal day for Dalton, he started it like every other day woke up, brushed his teeth, got dressed, ate breakfast with his dad then got dropped of at school.

When Dalton walked in he got stares like always stares of jealousy, envy and lust, the stares use to make him uncomfortable but he learned to ignore it as it's been like this most of his life mainly because his good looks and tall height he didn't have many friends but he did have a few close friends a short funny looking kid named Miles, and a tall lanky boy Conner.

A lot of people thought it was a little weird for all of them to hang out because they are just to different Miles is your average comic book nerd, and Conner is a straight A student who loves science and Dalton although he wasn't the best student he still got C's and people just assumed he was a jock or an idiot but he loved to read and draw only Miles and Conner know about it though, he didn't try to hide his hobbies to anyone it was just no one cared enough to ask instead of assuming his personality without asking.

Then one day during lunch he was sitting in a semi secluded part of the campus drawing a tree when Conner and Miles walked by saw the him and asked about it.

----------------------------------1st pov / flashback-----------------------------

Conner - "Hey that's pretty good, I didn't know you could draw"

I was a stunned mouth agape just staring at the boy who just talked to me, for a couple seconds till I finally snapped out of it and answered him.

Dalton - "Oh sorry, and thanks its a hobby of mine"

Conner - "haha that's alright i'm Conner and this is my friend Miles"

Miles - "Hey"

after he said that I closed my sketch book and stood up to shake their hand and introduce myself and hell maybe finally get a couple friends.

Dalton - "hey my names Dalton"

Miles - "yeah we know you're pretty famous at school you know"

Dalton - "I guess so i try not to pay attention to stuff like that"

Miles - "That makes sense i can see that getting annoying after years of dealing with it"

Conner - "Alright enough depressing stuff you got anymore drawings"

and so I showed them my sketch pad and we spent the rest of lunch talking about our hobbies Miles like comics and some anime he hopes to work for a comic publisher , Conner likes science he wants to be a scientist and find something new in the world because it fascinated him thinking about what could be in the universe that we are oblivious to. I on the other hand told them about my hobbies drawing, and reading i'm a little jealous of them honestly already knowing what they want to do with their lives me on the other hand I just go with the flow enjoying my hobby's and drifting about life.

after lunch they agreed to meet up and hangout I was honestly pretty happy finally having friends for the first time in years after everyone went through puberty and only started caring about looks and social status in school and the rest is history as they say.

-------------------------------------- flashback end -------------------------------------

After a boring day of school Dalton finally got off of school when his dad picked him up he said by to Conner and Miles and left with his dad when he got into the car he let him know they were going out to eat after stopping home, when Dalton got inside took a quick shower and changed into black work boots, black jeans, white t-shirt and his favorite black leather jacket. After a couple hours they left to go to dinner, this normal day for Dalton is about to get a whole lot more abnormal.

--------------------------------------------- pov 1st --------------------------------------

Garret - "so, do anything interesting at school"

Dalton - "no not really just the same boring day"

Garret - "well that's better than something bad happening i guess"

Dalton "yeah i guess so i don't really mind my boring day's though"

Garret - "that's good"

Garret - "hey what do you think about going to see your mom's for a few weeks over summer"

Dalton - "yeah that's fine, are you coming"

Garret - "no probably not I don't want to get in the way of your already limited time with her"

Dalton - "I don't really mind though"

Garret - "yeah well your mother might and I definitely don't want her hunting me down"

Dalton - "hehe now I want you to come just so I can watch the show"

Dalton - "so when do I go"

Garret - "probably in a week or two"

Dalton - "so over my birthday"

Garret - "yeah most likely, that's why I got you an early birthday present"

Dalton - "oh yeah where is it"

Garret - "I sent it to your mom's house should be there the day of your birthday"

Dalton - "you definitely planned that timing didn't you"

Garret - "haha of course I did, im just that good"

On our way to dinner we were talking and laughing like we normally would when we were going across an intersection and all the sudden out of the corner of my eye i see a blinding light and heard a loud screech of tires only to feel pain in the next second I can't even register what just happened when I black out.

When I came to the world was upside down and spinning it took me a couple seconds to get my bearing only to look over to my right and see my dad hanging upside down blood dripping from the multiple cuts across his face, I start panicking and to screaming for him to wake up.

Dalton - "DAD COME ON GET UP NOW!!!"

I just keep yelling this over and over again not even realizing im crying I cant even feel the pain anymore just anguish I only stopped when I heard the sound of boots hitting the asphalt I turn my head and see a man on fire as he rips my seat belt ofF and drags me out of the car.

Dalton - "please save my dad he needs help"

i plead to the man not even caring for his blackened skull on fire.

??? - "sorry kid but he's already gone"

the skull answered in a demonic voice.

all I could do was cry out that it wasn't fair when I heard him say that, it was heart wrenching, I think I knew when I saw my dad like that but I just didn't want to believe the truth until I heard him say it.

out of nowhere the skeleton touched the back of my head and it lit up in flames I roared in pain as my flesh and haired burned along with everything else leaving me with only my skeleton, my skull was on fire when I realized what happened happened I looked at the man that did this to me.


??? - "i gave you power"


??? - "yes you did kid you may think you don't but you do, you think if you had power you could've helped your old man"

I can't find any words to refute him even if I don't want to admit it I know it's true. When I was pondering about his words I heard someone scrambling on top of broken glass when I look over at the wreckage the fire on my skull burns with more intensity.

when the man driving the truck crawls out of the wreckage and sees the two demons one burning more intense then the other, he freaks out and falls on his backside scurrying backwards when Dalton looks at him he sees the all the mans sins this isn't the first time he's done something similar although this is the first time anyone has died Dalton didn't care though, even if he was a saint before all this accident he wouldn't care.

Dalton slowly started walking towards the man leaving melted asphalt with every step he took seeing the man who killed his father just because he wanted a beer after work and thought he would be fine driving.

When Dalton finally reached the terrified man he grabbed his head with his boney fingers and moved his head to look into his eyes when the man looked into his eyes he saw all of it all of his sins he committed against people all the pain they felt all the fear he could only scream and feel their pain for eternity.

When Dalton finished with him he dropped him on the ground with his eyes black and glazed over, he walked over to his dad's car as gently as he could took him out of the car and placed him on the ground as he was looking at his dad's body as his flesh started re-growing tears flowing down his face falling on his father's, he could tell he was losing consciousness going in and out while looking at his father one last time before finally passing out when he heard the sound of sirens.

The blazing skull looked at Dalton one last time before getting on his motorcycle before leaving the scene of the wreckage.