chapter nine: Fire in the train.

Sofia's POV. 

" I do not want to talk, don't you understand ".

That was the last thing I said, before turning my head to look back out of the window. 

I did not border much to look at the man sitting next to me, the man who told the guy who was asking me questions to stay quiet. 

I only saw the side of his face when they entered the train. I did not care about all that, as leaving the train station was the only thing on my mind. I did not want the police to suddenly pop up and look up at the train because that was going to be the beginning of my downfall. Oops, I have had enough downfall, this was going to add to the existing ones. I could overhear them talking about the murder case back at the train station, which got me nervous but I had to maintain my cool not to raise any suspicion.

 Being around men was not a thing of mine, as it reminded me of my horrible past and the misery I'm now living in. These men around me were no different and the sound of their monotonous voices was a nuisance to my hearing. It made me uncomfortable and it did remind me of the encounter I had with that man, on that rainy morning when my mother was killed. I don't know when all this is going to end or when I will get a normal life, just as every other girl in my age group should have. I'm here, running helter-skater from one city to another in search of safety and each time I tried, something mysterious would always happen and I on the other side would just end up killing someone. I do not know what will become of me as of now. What my fate will be. I'm just lost in my world and I can't figure out anything.



"Everyone on alert, get some damn seat belts!".

The man sitting next to me announced in a high-pitched voice, but it did not matter to me. My gaze was fixed out of the window, with my chin resting on my hands that were folded on the window frame. I was on another planet. screams and footsteps moving hastily on the train and the strong pair of arms that grabbed me on the shoulders, made me leave my world of misery.  Just went I wanted to react, my vision was clouded with smoke and my breath was now difficult. I struggled to keep my eyes open, I looked around on the train and discovered it was on fire. How is this possible? I tried to run but then, those strong pairs of hands were clenched to my side.

"Nicco, try to break the day open and Marco, go to the other side of the train and see what you can do to help.  You should not stand there and look at me".

I heard someone scolded and I knew it was the man sitting next to me before all these popped up.

"Uhmm,  let me hold the lady and you go try to break it open . You are stronger than me".

"Nicco, I swear in the name of GODA, if you offer another word...I will make sure you burn along with this train".

The temperature and smoke puffy up off the train were increasing and I couldn't react much.

"You will be fine" he assured me and before anything else, my vision was blurry and I lost consciousness. 

I slowly opened my eyes, when I felt cold droplets of water on my face. I rolled my eyes around to see that I and more people were about 20 meters away from the train. You could think it was hellfire on the earth, from the blazing fire and the puff of smoke that was in the sky.

Turning to look at where I was, I came in contact with a strong pair of ice-blue eyes staring down at me. I discovered I was in his arms.  Holy Moses! Not again.  I quickly jumped out of his hold.

"Do not, in your entire life, hold me like that. I'm not your puppet".

I know that was wrong of me, but the truth is told, men and everything about them irritates me.

"Are you stupid young lady? He just saved your stupid ass and many others from burning with the train and that's how you thank him".

One of the men standing next to him with brown hair scolded me with a deadly voice, taking a few steps toward me.

" That's just how rude these young scholars are nowadays". The other man replied.  I felt a little guilty about that and tilted my head to the floor. Nevertheless, I was not going to apologize to him. No man ever apologized to me either.

" Just let her be". That was all the man with ice blue eyes said and the other man with brown hair stopped in his tracks feeling so annoyed. I could see it.

"So he should take advantage of me because he saved me from a damn fire. You all should learn to respect ladies' '. I heard the teeth of the ice-blue eye man grinding against each other and if I didn't get away now, I might be the next victim of death.

"This girl got some nerves. If you can not kill her, let me do it". One of them said and before I could take a step forward, I felt a firm grip around my neck. With my feet dangling in the air. "L Le let me go" I managed to say, using my two hands, trying to get his one hand off my neck.  An impossible mission, as he was just as big as what I can't describe and my two hands could not circle his.

He fixed those ice blue eyes on me, with his jaws clenching against each other and a murderous look on his face.

"You should be thankful that I'm in my good books today, or else I would have ripped your flesh apart and thrown all the broken pieces into that train and let them burn with it".

He motioned towards the train with his head and he sounded serious. 

I managed to catch my breath, when he threw me violently to the floor, making my back ache. I  remained silent as I didn't want to get into more trouble than I have already been.


"Call Allesandro to come get us".

I heard him say. When he took a few steps away from me. 

"My boss is really in his good books today and trusts me, he meant every word. Next time, learn to be appreciative".

The guy with the brown hair crouched down to my level and whispered as they passed by.

No doubt, he is a boss and that's why he wanted to take advantage of me. Stupid boss. I sniffed, standing up and using my hand to clean my body. 

Looking around, I noticed they were gone.

Everyone has disappeared and I'm left now to think of where to go from here.


I walked over to a woman, who was standing beside a phone booth.  I guess she was trying to call someone. 

" Good evening Miss' '. I greeted, trying so hard to hide my frustrations and miseries. She hung up on the phone and turned to me with a smile plastered across her face. I wondered what she was smiling at.

"Good evening lady, how may I help you?".

"Uhmm, I was wondering where we are and in which state?". I asked, biting my finger as I was feeling nervous.  She looked around and then looked at me head down, before asking "what do you mean, like you don't know where you are?". Wow, after all the looking, I thought she would go ahead and just answer my questions and now she is asking another question. 

 Before I could say another word, she finally answered, which I was grateful for.

"You, I mean, we are in Florida" 

"O" was the only thing I could say.

"Are you okay?" She looked at me this time carefully and asked.  I just nodded and took off.

 That means the train accident wasn't far away from Florida.  I couldn't stay where we had the accident, so I had to follow the straight path that leads to the other side, and thank goodness I made it to Florida. 

So I was now left to think about what to do next. A hotel was my only option at the moment since it was 8:30 PM and I had no other choice, as it was late.

I asked a few people I met to direct me to any nearby hotel and I'm grateful that I was able to find one.

I walked down the long and busy streets, down to the hotel where I was distracted. I wrapped my hands across my chest, as to get some warmth since it was quite cool. 

 I strode with my gaze fixed in front of me, directly to the front gate, and made my way inside to the receptionist who was sitting in front of her with her eyes fixed on her computer.