chapter 53. Threatened

Renzo's POV. 

Marco stormed into my office, with a long face after Sofia had left and I wondered what could be eating him up.

 I sat down on my office chair and leaned into it, with my right hand, resting on the armrest with a pen in it. "What's the problem? Why such a long face?" He didn't reply immediately. He made his way to the chair across from me and sat on it. I watch carefully, trying to figure out exactly what was wrong with him, since he has not replied to me yet. "If you're not going to answer me, then you just have to because I have a lot to deal with". 

I leaned forward to the wooden table separating us and drum ny figures as I looked at him. He let out a puff of breath, before staring at me. He opened his mouth to say something, but it's like there was something holding him back from talking. "Say it". I urged with a clench jaw. I would have been completing the last stalk of papers had it been he had not walked in on her.