chapter 59. Anonymous Message

Renzo's POV 

I kept her gently on the bed , as we entered my room. She straightened up herself and looked at me. "What now?" She raised her brows. 

"Watch a movie, since you don't want to sleep yet" I told her. "You said, you have something for me and I want to see it". She stood up and looked around the room. 

"Oh that, forgot". I walked to my closet and brought out the box that was in a blue plastic bag 

She eyed me confused. "Why don't you check it?" I said, handing her the bag.

She cast me a weird look, before taking the back out of my hand.

"Woah!" She gasped, when she opened the bag. "There was absolutely no reason for this. You shouldn't have done it. It wasn't necessary". She looked worried and started to wonder, If I did something wrong. 

"It's only a phone. Don't get work over it " I patted her shoulder. "Than you " she said almost in a whisper and felt bad. 

"But I don't really have any use for it".