chapter 68.

Renzo's POV.

My life has been taking turns after turns. Something I never thought could happen. When I was growing up as a kid, I wished to have the perfect life though I don't know if there is anything like a perfect life. Yet, I had wished to have one. I just wanted to grow up, go to school, graduate with good grades, get a job and find a girl that I love and settle down with. 

That ideology changed, when my parents were killed, right in front of my eyes. Their lives were taken away from them at their young age. As a result, I had to take over my father's business and manage it, even though I know that as the first son, you have to take over the family business when the time is right. To me, taking it was not a plan I had on my list . I never wanted this. The life of having to deal with several criminal organizations and them having to hunt you down.