chapter 80. pleasures.

Renzo's POV.

Despite her refusing that I shouldn't feed her, I stubbornly did and she accepted. She had gone through so alone, with one having to help her. The fact that she had been molested since she was child and at a younger age, made my blood boil. I so much wanted to rip the body of those who had done that to her into shreds. How could people be this evil? Up to the extent of assaulting a small child at that. It was so crazy and Leonardo had to use this as an advantage to torment the girl. 

I swear to the heavens that I'm going to give him the hardest death of all times, once I lay my hands on him.

"What are you thinking?". Sofia's voice caught me off guard and I looked at her.

"Nothing, just thinking about random stuffs"

I lied and she looked at me suspiciously. "You're looking at me and thinking about random stuff". She narrowed her eyes and I tussled my hair. I couldn't tell her what I was thinking about