chapter 85. Coming back.

Sofia's POV 

I didn't want to get myself worked up over what Cheryl said. Renzo could do whatever he wanted. After all, it was his life and he could use it the way he pleased. 

If he eventually finds another girl and decides to leave me or send me away, I will leave peacefully and go my own way. I haven't done anything for him to love me. As far as I could remember, the only thing I did was to kill him, which he found out. He forgave me. So if he decides to leave then, I have no problem with it.

However, I gladly doubt that. Because I know what we felt for each other was strong enough to withstand anything. Even Though we haven't said the four letters word to each other, which I believe we would definitely do, not long from now.

Nonetheless, if he ever decides to leave me, then I will see what to do. But until then.