chapter 87. Going back

Renzo's POV.

I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU. Where the words on her phone. It was an anonymous number. Who could have sent that to her? Probably her father I guess. 

If this was the same person who had sent the message years back then I think it was the same person this time around.

I couldn't tell her about my speculations of the possibility that her parents could still be alive. I didn't want to give her any false hopes. I needed to make sure that I was sure of what I was thinking.

"What do you plan on doing?". I asked as I myself didn't know what to do either. Had it been, it was a message that had a name attached to it, we would have tried searching it on the next. In that light, we will be able to get some information. However, there was nothing attached, not even an address. It was just some empty message.

"Whoever this person was, I hope they show up soon.