chapter 101. Understanding

Renzo's POV.

Days were slowly passing by, with me still working on my plan to go to Italy. It was a tough decision but I had to make it some how, because if I didn't, everything was going to remain stagnant and that's not I want to happen.

I had to meet Enzo and talked to him about my decision. He was the first person I needed to talked to. However, I needed to get everything in place, before thinking of telling him.

Him and Sofia were currently outside, doing what they normally do every morning.

She has been of so much help to him. Her massages really worked well on him.

I waited for them to get finished and come inside, before I could walked with him to his room and talked with him.

Sofia and I, have some training to do after this . I had urge her, to have any of the boys trained her, but she had refused saying that, she wanted me to do it or rather, she would not have anyone do it, while I was still here and I couldn't deny her.