chapter 108. Angry

Sofia's POV.

Renzo and Marco had come back home, with disappointed looks on their faces.

When what was wrong, they said it was because they couldn't get to Carter.

The information they got stated that, Carter and moved to Italy after Renzo had tried killing him and this further triggered everything, during the incident with Leonardo.

Since the two if them work together. They had to escape . I wondered just how long they were going to keep on running.

I trust Renzo and I know that, he was going to get him for sure.

And I couldn't wait, to personally passed my hands into his chest and ripped out his heart.

If only I had such abilities. I would have hesitated to do that

Still, I will pray to be there, the moment he is being killed

I want to be there, to see him moved down to his grave.

To see how he dies, begging to be set free.