chapter 125

Keep calm

Sofia's POV. 

I don't really know exactly how Renzo wanted me to act.

 He was probably thinking that I was going to be all over the place, because of what he had done. He didn't even mention anything to me and he expected me to just look at everything and stay quiet and for what reasons on earth would I do that?.

 As long as we were boyfriend and girlfriend, he had to tell me everything. He shouldn't just go behind me and carry out his investigation and not tell me. 

Had it been an investigation about something else, I wouldn't have gotten myself this worried. I had to ask him or confront him about it. 

However, this was about me, my family, about my parents and he didn't even bother. 

Who on earth does that? He couldn't use his brain even for once and he just had to let everything slide on like it never happened, and he expected me to be happy with him.