chapter 129

Sofia's POV.

I was actually surprised that Cheryl had called me; because out of all people, I didn't know she would be the one to call me. But it was a good thing that she did. It showed that, she had me in her mind. And that, she did regretted what she had done, before leaving the house.

Well, her call, gave me some feeling of friendship, eventhough, I didn't if she was doing same.

I hung up on the call and immediately rushed over to Enzo, who seemed to have stumble while climbing up the stairs.

I don't know what was wrong with him. I have told him time without number to stay down and if he ever wanted anything he should call me.

However, he kept making his way up here. " Are you okay Enzo?" I ask as I slid the phone down the back of the black jeans I was wearing and rushed idown the stairs to help him.

" I am fine". He managed to say, struggling to get up from the floor where he had fell.