chapter 133

Sofia's POV

I have been waiting to hear from Cheryl, but she hasn't called me back yet.

So I don't know what was going on with her. I really needed us to discuss about the plans I have in my head.

I need to go to the city because I can't just seat here and doing nothing.

I have to talk about it and and I know that, things would be a lot better if I go there and I will have means to move down to Italy.

I needed to get in touch with my parents, I needed to find them because where I am right now they are everything I have ever got.

I don't know what Renzo's take was going to be on this . However, have decided that, I am not going to tell him anything, that is; from moving here in the house and going to the city and moving down to Italy.

Not a single word for me will go to him, unless somebody else have to tell him.

As for any Enzo, he is just going to sort himself out.