chapter 138

Leonardo's pov

It is kind of shocking that , Carter had to let himself been taken away by Renzo.

He was not Vigilant enough . I had told him to keep more men around him.

People that are strong enough to protect him with anything.

However , I don't know exactly what he was thinking about. Look at what just happened to him. He has been taking away.

I have people around looking at everything that is going on. Renzo thought that, he could hide away from me or I could not get to find out that he was here in Italy.

Sadly, I have my way around anything, literally get any information that I want and he was not going to hide away from me.

He was coming to an end and I am going to put him down.

There is no way, I'm going to let him get to me, no matter what.

He should be ready to get in contact with me Just anytime.