New Cover Story

I punched the punching bag for the last time, as my alarm rang through the small gym. Sighing, I turned it off and headed towards the shower. The weekend had come and gone and I didn't sleep a wink of it. Every time I closed my eyes, I dreamed of a lab I never wanted to see again. The files we had to study were simple enough but I already knew everything about Jonathan. This mission still bugged me.

The Cobras and the Hawks have had a treaty for the past twenty years. They don't kill our people and we don't kill their people. We stayed out of their trails and they kept our people out of their prisons. I don't know why Jackson is willing to risk the peace treaty to have Mr Neale killed. Once I get into the uni today, I need to find what the hell is going on. I hope Melanie is with Jonathan, I could really get some inside information.

I showered and changed. I zipped up my knee high boots and finished up the last touches of my make up. I drove home to pick up Nathan, who had moved into mum's house over the weekend. I would rather be at my own house but mum still insists that I be at home with her. I could hear the shower running and knew he had been in there for a while. I banged not he door, only just hearing the sound of his voice. I banged around before hearing the shower turn off. I heard a few curse words as I banged on the door again. The bathroom door open to reveal a dripped wet Nathan, bottom half wrapped in his towel.

"Cant I shower in peace?"

"Hurry up. I want to be there early"

"Don't worry I've already scoped out the place"

"You're scopes are always sloppy. Get changed"

I shut the door in his face and headed downstairs. I placed two slices of bread in the toaster and watched the black car that was parked across from our house. Either the Hawks or the Cobras are watching us. I heard the thumping of Nathans shoes coming down the stairs and I buttered his toast. I shoved them into his mouth, grabbing the keys from his hands. I heard a protest but just made my way to the car.

He eventually got into the car and I drove us to the university. When I parked the car, I could see that everyone was watching us. I scanned the group of students nearby, checking if I knew any of the faces. I still couldn't spot anyone from the Cobra's. I really need to know which side I am on, other wise someone will kill Nathan before I get the chance to. We walked into the main building together, Nathan receiving all the attention from the girls while I received all of the stink eyes. Not that it bothered in the slightest, they could have him for all I cared. Nathan led us to the main office.

"Excuse me miss, we are here to sign in"

"You two must be the Barkley twins. Steph this is your timetable and Jonah this is yours. It's nice to see more young people studying social science. You have three lectures this week and a study group everyday. I hope you enjoy studying with us"

"Great thank you miss"

This was fucking perfect. Not only do I have to see him when I get home but now I have to spend every day with him. I need to find Jonathan before the end of the week, before I end up killing him and myself. I just hated him being being this close to me. Ever since we were paired up, he's had this huge crush on me. Everywhere we went together, there was always constant flirting. We left the office, ready to make our leave when we were stopped by three girls. I ignored them and scanned the hallway for Jonathan. I spotted him and turned to leave, but a hand grabbed my elbow, pulling me back.

"Girls' meet my twin sister Stephanie"

"Nice to meet you. My name is Melanie, this is Coco and Tiffany"

I turned around at the mention of her name and almost bent down and prayed when it was in fact her. She looked at me with a frown on her face. Was I not with them anymore? Or was she unhappy that I hand't told her I was coming here? I could never tell with this woman. I opened my mouth to greet her but she shook her head. Later, she mouthed and I simply nodded.

"Twin sister. I thought you two were a couple"

"Gosh no"

"What are you two studying?"

"Social science"

"Do you want to grab lunch with us today?"

"No thank you but feel free to take my brother"

I shook my elbow out of Nathan's grip and went looking for Jonathan. I found him down a hallway surrounded by more Cobra's. Thank god. I needed to be around my own people before I exploded.


"621, welcome back"

"What the hell is going on around here?"

"Do you even know what side you are on anymore?"

"Not in the slightest. Jonathan, I need you to take me home, the Hawks are up to no good"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm here to kill your dad"

The frown on Jonathan's face deepened. For someone who works closely with Jackson, he seems deeply angry that Jackson had crossed the line.

"There's more, but we need to speak in private"

The boys raised their eyebrows but moved away anyway. They knew better than to mess with me. I waited until the were long gone before pushing Jonathan against the lockers behind him.

"What have you done to make Jackson break the treaty?"

"Me? What makes you think I did anything? Do you think he knows he's being played?"

"I fucking hope not Jonathan. We have worked hard for this and I definitely don't need you to fuck this up"

"What has he done to you?"

"I have to fucking idea and it is pissing me off. I think he was the one who put me into tohe coma. He's dangerous. Not to mention he sent Nathan here int Cobra territory"

"Wait Nathan's here?"

"Yeah. Tell the CObra's to back off. If anyone if going to kill him, it's going to be me"

"I can't take you home until dad returns"

"Well tell him to hurry because I've not only got the Hawks on my tail but Phil"

"Fuck. I told you to just fuck him and then kill him"

"He's more useful to me alive than dead. If he doesn't back off, I'll have his memory wiped"

Without any warning, Jonathan spun his around, pressing a kiss not my lips. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He pulled away, pointing his eyes down the hall. I quickly looked down, to see a fuming Nathan. I guess this stupid mission will be easier than he thought.

"Tell me when Mr Neale gets home. I need to get out of here before I will one of my own"