Agent 621

Somehow I had managed no to sleep a wink last night. My body was still pumped with adrenaline when my alarm went off. Groaning, I pulled on my workout clothes and pushed my body to go for a run. The sun just started to rise by the time I had managed to reach the park. I grabbed an empty bench and started to stretch out my joints. My body was rusty, causing my actions to become sloppy. I hated being sloppy, always have. I shook my body and headed back home. By the time I had come through the front door, the smell of breakfast told me that everyone was awake. Ignoring them, I ran upstairs and showered. When I changed, I sat down and mum pushed a full plate in front of me. I poked my fork through it but didn't bother eating any of it. I got a text this morning saying that Mr Neale was home already. I needed to head of there as soon as possible.

"Olivia, eat something. Nathan told me you didn't eat last night"

"I'm not in the mood to eat"

"You need to eat. You need to stop pushing yourself"

"Why do you care?"

"Olivia, don't speak to your mother like that"

"Whatever. I won't be back. I knew coming back here was a bad idea"

I grabbed my keys and bag, making a run for my car. I was hoping everyone would be too stunned at my actions that they wouldn't follow me, but when a hand jerked at my elbow, I had wished too early. I spun around, almost knocking Nathan over.

"What do you want?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Everything is wrong with me. You need to stay clear of me otherwise I will end up killing you"

"You wouldn't do that you're..."

"I have been fantasizing about having your blood on my knife for so long now, that when I do get the chance to gut, I think the experience will be better than receiving a mind shattering orgasm. Now let go of me"

He jerked his hadn't off me and I watched him in the rear view mirror as I drove away. Was I sorry that I hurt him? No. I was sorry that I revealed my true self to him and not gutting him on the spot. I needed somewhere to vent otherwise the side effects of the drug will make me go insane. I drove around mindlessly for a couple of hours until I knew Jonathan would be free. I picked him up after his last lecture and we drove silently to his house.

"I'm warning you Oli, my father is not in a great mood and I think his Hawks mole has already leaked him the information"

"If he says anything, I will kill him"


"You know full well he will just get in the way of your plans"

"Just don't. Try and control yourself"

I rolled my eyes but still followed him into the house. I had already cleansed myself of weapons but Mr Neale knows full well I could kill a man with my bare hands. He already didn't looked pleased that I was here.

"Can someone please tell me why 621 is here?"

I stopped in my tracks when the Cobra's started to turn hostile. So I wasn't with the CObra's then. What the hell? Who the hell was I with then? This whole memory thing was starting to really piss me off.

"I got an order to kill you"

"From who?"

"The Hawks"

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Dad, just hear her out"

"Enough out of you son. 621, sit down and explain why you're here"

I let the guards pat me down before I sat down in front of Mr Neale. He almost looked confused and angry. I wonder what I did before I left. Was it the mission I was on when I came back? No by the look on his face, I haven't been in his presence since I left.

"Someones erasing my memories and has started to reinfect my body with your drug. Why don't you tell me what the hell is going on?"

"We haven't manufactured that drug in over ten years. We even closed down that project not long after you left it. Why would the Hawks want me dead? We have a treaty and we've kept to that treaty"

"Jackson's up to something and he has somehow managed to drag me into it. I have no idea whose side I was on and with the warm welcome I just got, I should think it's not this one"