She's a Double Agent, But Not for the Side You Think

Melanie's POV

I rolled my eyes as I watched Jonathan walk up and down the hallway for the hundredth time. He was muttering to himself and I could only catch on some of what he was saying. I have know this boy my whole life and he still finds a way to surprise me. I checked the time and realised we were going to be late for out study lesson. I have no idea why my father insisted I come to the university. I wasn't listening to him precisely but I think he heard that it would be safer away from the headquarters. Something fishy is happening and I think both Oli and Jonathan know what is going on.

"Will you please stop pacing. You are making my head hurt"

"Have you heard from Oli today?"

"No but we will see her at uni anyway. She only has one or two lectures for the whole week. Why are you so worried anyway?"

"She hasn't answered her phone"

"Maybe she's just ignoring you"

"She wouldn't dare in a time like this. Are you sure you haven't heard from her?"

"Calm down Jonathan. We'll see her today for sure"

I pulled him into my car and drove like crazy. Even though I was still undercover, I still took my studies seriously. I can't be a princess forever and my father certainly can't hide everything from me. Jonathan did a quick scan for Oli when we got there but with no success. I had to console him for most of the morning but by the time lunch came around, I was starting to worry. We hadn't spotted Nathan yet and the girls said they haven't seen Oli today either.

I tapped her name on my phone for the hundredth time and rang her again. It started to ring and I was given some hope, until it ended quickly. Oli wasn't someone who didn't answer her phone, especially if she was in the middle of an important mission. I must admit she has been different over the past couple of years but this is still unlike her. I stood outside of the main building hoping to get a glimpse of Nathan. Someone brushed past me, making m stumble for a moment. When I looked up, I saw Nathan rushing towards his car. Running, I quickly caught up to him.


He looked almost frightened when I called his name. There was something wrong. He brushed himself off quickly, plastering a huge smile on his face when he noticed it was only me. The smile, even though it was forced, made my heart stop for a moment. Oh god, if he wasn't so in love with Oli, the things I wouldn't mind doing to his body.

"Hey Melanie, what's up?"

"Have you heard from Oli?"

His smile dropped and I realised I had said her real name. Fuck, this wasn't the way I wanted to ease into the conversation.

"I have no idea who your talking about. If you'll excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be"

"Is she in trouble?"


"Come on Nathan, I need to know if she is safe"

Nathan's eyes narrowed down at me, before he grabbed my wrist, causing me to squeal. He placed a hand over my mouth and leaned us into the side of his car. If anyone looked this way, I'm pretty sure it would look like we were making out. His body was squashed against me, making my face heat up. It's been a while since a man has even touched me. Because of my title, men usually didn't eve bother talking to me. I wonder if he could feel what he was doing to me or was his mind really closed to just Oli.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Princess Rosalina Capprie, Oli is my bodyguard. Now tell me where she is?"

"I don't know. She hasn't been home for the past couple of days"

"Aren't you worried?"

"Jackson said she was doing something important"

"That prick. I'll speak to you tomorrow. I think I might be able to find out where she is"

Nathan, let me go and I practically ran over to me car, not bothering to wait for Jonathan. He could find his own way home for all I cared. There was nothing I could do anyway, until tomorrows meeting.


I was dressed in my Cobra uniform, sitting in my council seat, patiently waiting for the rest of the agents to show up. There was something fishy going on here. The agents whispered amongst themselves but I could hear snippets of their conversation. They were confused about the meaning behind the meeting. I think I heard Oli's name being mentioned a few times. It's not like Mr Neale ever told anyone why Oli left in the first place.

"Good morning everyone. Now I can tell you are confused about why this meeting was called. Well, let me put this straight first. Yes 621 is back and yes she did originally plan for this meeting. But it looks like she is unavailable for the time being. I will answer your questions to the best of my ability"

We sat through an hour of Mr Neale answering, not truthfully, all the questions threw at him. He had everything covered from why Oli disappeared and why she re appeared again. Apparently she was on a super secret mission and she was away on another one. When he finally called it quits, I caught up to him, before he managed to sneak off.

"Mr Neale"

"Ah, princess what can I do for you?"

"Is Oli, really away on another mission?"

"Of course she's not. I can't trust her again"

"Than why all the lies then sir?"

"If she's not going to be on my side, I would rather be her supporter in this war. I would hate for the Hawks to have her on their side"

"Have you heard from her this week?"

"No I haven't. She has not returned. Is something wrong?"

"I don't know but she's not responding to anyone, not even the Hawks"

"Well, you better find her because I would hate for her to be dead. If there isn't anything else princess, I must really be off"

He bowed slightly, but I could see the small smirk on his face. Mr Neale never really trusted Oli, ever since he made her a double agent. I mean who would. But he has never ever once wanted her dead.

"Wait. Your not still running for program are you?"

"There are things you really shouldn't let your fragile mind worry about. Good day princess"

I frowned as I watched him scurry away from me. Fragile mind. How dare he? I am the daughter of a king and he had the nerve to call me fragile minded. I will show that compass ass what twenty years of royalty cobra training can do. I know Oli is very capable of looking after herself, but will all the rumours floating around and the information I have leaked from he Hawks, I'm not so sure she's in the right state of mind to help herself.

If I happen to find out he is still running his program, I will kill him with my bare hands, orders or not. When I found out that Oli was the first text subject to the drugs, I made dad stop it immediately. Dad pulled the plug and the drugs and lab were destroyed. But we were too late. Thirty kids already had been in the program for nearly sixteen years. Oli was a robot through and through. But that didn't stop me from trying to help her out. I even had her recruited outside of the agencies. She has been a great help for the past six years and she will continue to be a great help, if only I could find her.

I left headquarters and headed over to Mrs Anderson's house. If I knew where Oli's place was, I would have checked their first, but outside of all the agencies, Oli is a very secretive person. I stood a few meters away from he house and watch Mrs Anderson work in the kitchen. I didn't really want her to see me. I rounded the house tot he spare bedroom. I could see the top off Nathan's head and sighed, before climbing up the side of the house. I tapped on the window, giving him the fright of his life, before he opened. I climbed in and surveyed the room.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm not here to attack you, if that's what your asking. I need your help"

"Why my help? I'm heading back to my headquarters soon. I'm no use when Oli's not here"

"Has she still not been found?"

"She's Olivia Anderson, she's been fine on her own. It's not like she's disappeared before"

Before I could answer him, my phone rang. I frowned down at the name flashing on the screen. He's not meant to call unless their was an emergency.


"We have her"


"Yeah, Jonathan fucked up. You need to come back in"

"Fuck. What about the other one?"

"Bring him with you. Dead preferably"

I stared at my phone as the line went dead. I breathed out a sigh of relief and sat down not eh edge of Nathan's bed. Well this is good and bad at the same time. They'll be able to take the drug out of her system but I don't know if it will return her memories. Fucking Hawks and their drug advancements.

"Is everything alright?"

"I'm about to tell you something and if it leaks from this room I will follow through will the kill order I just got. Do you understand?"


"Olivia works for the Black Cobras"

"Yeah, she's a double agent, of course she does"

"No you don't understand me. She was born a Black Cobra, she doubles in the Hawks"
