Everything I Know is a Lie

Nathan's POV

I stared at the crazy girl in from of me, lightly pinching my arm, hoping I was in some sort of nightmare. Nope, the pain was real and she was still sitting on my bed. I got up from the bed and started pacing. I mean it all made sense in a way. I've known Oli only from the program she was in with the Red Hawks. It was behind closed doors and very dangerous. Only a few selected kids got chosen for the program and I had heard a while back that Oli was born into it.

I mean she was always suspicious to me. The early mission to be a double agent at eleven. The strange requests she made with head office, the reason why Jackson hated her. Thinking about it now, Jackson has been acting a bit crazy since he got into power. I'm pretty sure his father's death was not an accidental car accident.

"What has Jackson got to do with everything?"


"How does Jackson tie into this whole situation?"

"He's working with the Cobra's, Jonathan Neale to be precise. They call themselves the Death Claws and right now they will win the war, leaving a trial of destruction and poverty behind them"

"Oh, that doesn't explain the kill order though. This so confusing. But were has she been she past six years?"

"I can do better. I can show you. But you have to leave all of this behind. The Hawks, your agent life, you field duties, your friends and your family"

"I don't have anything here hen Oli's not here anyway"

"So, you'll come with me?"

"I don't know. I'll call you"

I watched Melanie roll of the bed and head back out of the window. It wasn't exactly a surprise that Oli was a Black Cobra, being a double agent is hard. Sometimes you tend to forget whose side you are truly on. There were rumours at headquarters years ago, that she had gone rogue. The price on her head was ridiculous and it got more ridiculous as the years passed. Maybe that was Jacksons doing. I needed to talk to him. Flipping him a quick text, I headed over to headquarters. I knocked on his office door, before stepping in. He was on the phone when I stepped in. He hung pretty quickly, as I slumped down into the chair in front of his desk.

"Ah Nathan, I was just about to call for you. We need to talk"

"That's what I was coming over for. Where's Oli?"

"She requested to be moved over to a new mission a few days ago. I believe she should be in China by now. So you'll be getting a new partner tomorrow. Any questions?"

"What's a Death Claw?"

Jackson's body visibly stiffened and the pen in his hand dropped. He quickly recovered but it was too late. I saw his reaction but didn't dare react myself. He coughed, composing himself.

"Where did you hear that name?"

"There were some kids at the uni talking about some new game called Death Claw. I think I might have heard it wrong. I just wondering if you've heard of it"

"You know I have no time for silly video games Nathan. Is there anything, mission related that you want to talk about?"

"No. Can you let me know when Oli gets back. She owes me beer and pizza"

"Sure thing"

I let the awkward tension surround us for a moment before collecting my file and leaving. I stood by the door when I heard Jackson making a phone call.

"Jonathan. Nathan will most likely attempt to kill your father this weekend. Make sure he doesn't make it out of that house alive"

I snuck away from the door and headed back to the house. I was about to dial Melanie phone number when I realised that the house was still bugged. It was possible that someone, maybe Jackson, overheard my conversation with Melanie. Or maybe wants to get rid of me, just like Oli does. Putting my phone down, I picked up the file that Jackson gave me. I cringed at the photo and knew he was trying to get me killed. There was only one person in the whole Red Hawks operation that could kill their partner, Kyle Nimbit. He's had four partners so far and they've all died. Rolling my eyes, I packed a bag and left the house.

Now this whole situation left me questioning everything. I left my car behind, wondering if someone had tampered with it. I pulled my phone apart after I found Melanie's address, through the parts away. There was nothing left on me, hopefully, that the Hawks can track me with. Melanie's place was small and I lightly knocked on her front door. To say she was surprised to see me, will be a bit of an understatement. She was brushing her teeth, a towel wrapped around her wet body. My eyes raked up her body before she let out a scream, slamming the door on my face. I simply just shrugged my shoulders and sat down. I heard a few curse words and thumping around the house before the door opened again. She had changed, gesturing that I come inside.

The house was even smaller on the inside and it looks like she lived alone. It was a little suspicious considering she told me she was a princess. Where were the servants and the bodyguards? Won't someone know that I was here?

"I live by myself. My father knows I can take care of myself. Sit down and explain why you are here"

"I want you to show me"


"I want you to show me Oli"

"Why? You know she doesn't like you very much, right?"

"Yeah I got a glimpse of it the other day before she left. I just need to know that she is safe, with my own two eyes. I've been with her for a while and even though I don't know much about her, I just need to make sure she's alright"

"Alright, but don't be surprised if they try and kill you when we get there. Get some rest, we'll leave in the morning"

Melanie grabbed me a blanket and I got comfortable on her sofa. I slept restlessly and when I woke up a couple of hours later, it felt like I hadn't slept at all. The sun was still down and Melanie said it was crucial that we moved soon, to get there in time. To believe that I'm trusting a complete stranger was still bothering me. I don't know if it's the fact that she knows Oli or that she is the most beautiful person I have ever met, inside and out. It would never happen though. She was way out of my league and I have given my everything to Oli, even though I knew it would never be returned. I'm completely empty on the inside now. A couple of hours later, we pulled into a service station parking lot.

"I know I should have asked to do this before we left but, I need to do it before we get any closer to my HQ. Did you by any chance get rid of the tracking device in your arm?"

"What tracking device?"

"Hmmmmm, that's what I thought"

She reached over me, instantly giving me a good view of her cleavage. I could feel myself go red, as I quickly looked away. I tried to readjust myself in the seat but with her body over mine, it was hard to move out of her way. She reached into the glove box, pulling out a small box before returning back to her seat. I repositioned myself, hoping to god that my face was no longer red.

"Put out your left arm"

Without thinking, I stretched out my left arm towards her. I watched her, pull out a small knife out of the box and I flinched away from her. She grumbled something, before tightly gripping my arm.

"If you don't make a single sound, I'll give you a little treat. Understand?"

Unable to trust my own voice, I just nodded my head. I watched her slice the knife into my arm and as a promised I didn't make a single sound. It wasn't the first time I was cut into, so this was nothing but I didn't want to seem arrogant. Plus I wanted to see what kind of treat she had in mind. She patched me up, before leaning over me again to put the box back in the glove compartment.

"All done. You hungry?"

"Yeah, a bit"

"Let's grab something to eat before we leave"


She locked up the car and we headed inside to grab something to eat. We were quiet for the whole me, which made me feel really uncomfortable. She seems so weird and uptight. Melanie was a completely different level than I was. I could tell that she was a good agent but who she worked for, was still a mystery to me. There weren't any big agencies out there anymore. The Hawks and The Cobra's bought them out a long time ago. It was just the two for a very long time. Unless she worked for the Resistance but that was impossible, they were a myth, a story we told the new recruits and children.



I turned around to and that she was a lot closer to me than I thought. I flicked away from her but she kept moving closer to me, eventually walking me back against the car. I really hope she didn't go through all the trouble of removing the tracking device, just to kill me.

"Do you want your treat now?"

Before I could answer her, she put a hand on the back of my neck and leaned up into me. Her lips touched mine and I felt like the world had stopped. This was nothing like when Oli kissed me. I was hostly not expecting this nor was I electing how I was going to react to her. I closed my eyes and kissed her back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and flipped us around. Placing a hand on the back of her neck, I deepened the kiss, earning a earth moving moan from her. She quickly pushed me off her and quickly tried to fix her face and hair. Her face was really red and she moved tot he drivers side of the car.

"We should get going now"

She started the car, lighting up a smoke, before we stared moving again. The kiss however was not mention again.