I Will Hide All The Evidence Stacked Up Against Me

Jackson's POV

I paced in my office for what seemed like the millionth time this morning. Nothing had happened since Olivia's little visit. I would very much like to rescue my family but I knew Olivia would expect that. I also knew if I stayed quiet for a long period of time she will come for me. I still couldn't get what she was planning. It sees like she is catching onto me. The mole I had placed into her little rebellion was coming back with nothing. She rarely visit their headquarters anymore and is hanging out with a small group of resistance that was meant to be terminated. If she keeps acting the way she does, she will loose this little control she has over her little resistance.

The only way I could think of stopping her was injecting her again. It wasn't safe but Nathan proved that it worked. Stupid man he was. All I had to do was convince him that he was on Olivia's side and then take it all away from him. My field agents aren't and have never been trained like him. Even though there was the positive results from the drugs, only a few would service the initiation, so we had to stop it many years ago. Even though the Cobra's were a part of us, they alway did things differently to us. Their people could take a much stronger dose and survive. However it came with a cost, they were brainwashed worse than my agents were.

One director that was transferred from he Hawks to the Cobra's, Killian I think he name was, was disgusted when she found hat was happening over there. She tried to dig up information that should not have been dug up. I guess Olivia must have found out. It's a shame too, Killian was a good agent well before she was exiled.

The floor slightly creaked behind me but I did not turn in my chair. Here she was. I knew it. There wasn't a person who knew Oli better than I do. Well Nathan will argue that he does but he hasn't spent the same amount of time with her than I have. I really don't want to do this but, I can't have this person walking around destroying everything I had worked so hard to build.

"I see you've come back. Where's my family?"

I swivelled my chair around, to have a gun staring straight at me. I smirked, really not expecting her to have a gun. But when I looked up, my arrogance disappeared.

"You have so much faith in Oli, that you tend to forget that she has other people around her"

"Nathan, what are you doing?"

"Did you like my game? I honestly didn't think you would be stupid enough to fall for it"

"What are you talking about?"

"Did you really think Olivia would be able to control a large scale resistance? Did you really think your mole was really your mole? For the many years I had worked for you, I really did not think you would be this stupid"

"What the hell is going on?"

"I suppose I can give you the details, since you are not walking out of this office alive"

Nathan's POV

7 Years Ago...

I looked up from my book and watched the skinny girl move her way through the wooden poles. She was fast and she was getting better the more I watch her. She had only been year for a month and so far she had bested all the top students and teachers. They leave her alone now, some are too afraid to go near her or even talk to her. I've heard the rumours. She's a special transfer, living her whole life behind bars and never interacting with a single human being. I wonder what kind of drug they have her on. People like to talk and they all talk about the special agents. The whispering used to get on my nerves when I was younger but now I've learnt to ignore it. She must have heard things by now and yet she just trains. I guess all the rumours must be true then. I heard the teachers talk about it after one of her training sessions. Her memories automatising wipes itself after a while or when it doesn't seem relevant to her training.

It's a shame, she's incredibly beautiful and to have the kind of flaw was shameful. I shook myself out of my daze and noticed that she was gone. Sighing I closed my book and got up to leave.

"You know it's not very nice to stare"

Jumping up from the bench, I pulled my knife out, but when I blinked, she was holding my knife instead. Wow, she was fast.

"I wasn't staring, I was observing"

"Well what you observed so far? Here to test out the rumours?"

"Are they true?"

"Which ones?"

"Your memory, does it really get wiped? Don't you think it's a little excessive?"

"When your not human, doesn't everything seem a little excessive?"

"Not human?"

"Humans ask to many question and I don't have all the answers. Just because I'm a robot doesn't mean that i can pull answers out of thin air"

"Robot? What do you mean robot?"

"I thought you wanted to confirm if all the rumours are true"

"I hadn't heard that rumour before"

"Well then"

She handed me back my knife and went to walk off. I was so confused. What did she mean robot?

"Wait. What's your name?"

"My name? I don't have a name"

"Well what's you number then?"




"I'll call you Olivia"

"You can call me whatever you want Nate"


Jackson's POV

Well I certainly did not expect that. I knew she was special but I didn't know that she was that special. But it didn't make sense. None if this made sense.

"How? Why? What?"

"I know this doesn't make any sense to you right now and I honestly don't care, since there will be nothing left for you to actually make sense of this. I've had a plan in motion, ever since 621 and I got out of that hell hole. She's been very faithful to me, even interesting me with the memory wipes. I thought we could have trusted you with our plan but you went off and decided differently. It's really a shame I will have to kill the only human I could call me friend"

"But why?"

"Just because"
