"Honey, don't be scared of using it. Look how I will do it, and follow me." Daerin picked up his fork and pricked it to the cake and deftly cut it. The next thing Rexana saw, the cake was neatly placed on Daerin's fork heading to his mouth. 

Now it was her time to try it. It looked and felt so simple but was it for her? 

She held the fork in her both hands, as she remembered last time how hard the steak was when she tried to prick the fork on it. She anticipated that she too had to use the same force, just to make sure that it would thoroughly stub through. 

She did what she planned without thinking that the cake was too soft and incomparable to the steak. She hadn't tried to touch any of them so she didn't have an idea. 

Because she tried to poke it with full force, the cake slid out of the plate and caught everyone's attention again. Daerin looked more than frustrated, he was annoyed and forgot to control himself.