"I can't believe he did that,'' Ryan mumbled as he looked at his brothers who nodded their heads quietly. "It is the first time he punched you '' Ellis pointed out, even though he is not as angry as his brother, he could understand his dad's point but he didn't like how his dad punched him. "It is the first time he ever raised his hand on you" Derek blurted out with a sigh. 

Ryan pressed his lips in a thin line. "It was because of that girl" Ryan spat, his voice filled with hate and annoyance. 

Ellis wanted to say that it was because of his anger not because of her but kept quiet. If Ryan didn't lose his control, he knew his dad wouldn't have punched Ryan let alone raise a hand on him.

 He has seen his dad controlling his anger until Ryan kept speaking about abandoning her and all. BUt he couldn't say it directly to his brother's face. 

"He is already so protective of her," Ryan mumbled. "He is. He doesn't want any harm to reach her orelse he wouldn't punch his son for losing his cool" Ellis blurted out, words rolling down his tongue before he could stop them. 

He smacked his lips as he saw Ryan's head snapping towards him. Derek smacked Ellis' head as he winced slightly. "Shut up" Derek hissed as Ellis looked at him apologetically. 

"But I can't believe she is going to the academy. She is a teenager. Not even in her twenties. I don't know how he thought we could train a teenager in our academy" Derek stated as Ryan nodded.

 "And dad accepted it just like that. If it's someone else, he would have made them run away already" Ryan added as his brothers nodded their heads. "He doesn't believe anyone this soon. As if she had casted any magic spell around him that he is accepting everything she says. He never believed anyone that easily or fastly" Derek said frowning as Ryan nodded his head. 

"WHat if she is here to destroy us?" Ryan asked angrily, to which the brothers shared a look. "Let's go and ask him only" Ellis suggested standing up as he dusted the imaginary dust on his jeans as Derek followed the cue.

 "Let's do it" Ryan said and stood up from his place and three of them walked towards Mr.Bellamy's room. Ellis knocked on the door and after hearing "COme in" from his dad, he slowly opened the door and found him sitting on the sofa reading some file. 

Derek peeked his head inside before walking inside. Both sat on the bed facing Mr.Bellamy while Ryan entered inside and stood beside the door as he folded his hands looking down.

Mr.Bellamy looked at Ryan angrily, his eyes fixed on him who was looking back at him before he looked at the ground. Mr.Bellamy sighed as he rubbed his temples and walked to the couch and sat on it quietly.

 He knows he did wrong by punching Ryan but he was going out of control and he doesn't want Ida to get scared and run away again. Ellis and Derek looked at each other not knowing what to do. 

"Dad, why did you take her in?" Derek asked helplessly as he looked at Ryan who still looked as angry as before. Ryan still couldn't digest the fact that his dad punched him, that too for a stranger who's dad was their rival for years now. 

He was hurt more than angry, he was always loved by his dad after his mom and never thought his dad would ever raise his hand on them. Mr.Bellamy's eyes softened for a moment as he looked at Ryan who was not making any eye contact with him. 

"You want to know why?" Mr.Bellmay's question was directed to Ryan more than Derek who asked. Ryan nodded his head ever so slightly still not looking at him but he could feel the stare of his dad. Even if the man in front of them is their dad, he was the man who ruled a whole mafia empire and could kill them in a snap. Mr.Bellamy kept the file aside and rested his elbows on his knees as he entwined his fingers with each other.