Chapter 3: The Conspiracy and Judgment

Prince Kelly scheduled his meeting with his supporters for 10.00pm the next day.

He told his friends to meet him in his forest house.

The forest house is far away from the city. The house is the only building in that forest vicinity.

His so called supporter friends are ten in number.

They arrived in their expensive cars at 10pm prompt and proceeded to the conference room in the building.

Prince Kelly is already waiting for them in the room.

His supporters are among the very rich in the city.

They all sat round the conference table with the prince in the middle.

"l called you all to this meeting today to lay plain my plan of taking the throne from my brother.

Last time we conveyed a meet like this, I told you I'm considering this move. It is time to initial the process."

His friends kept quiet and listen attentively.

He continues, I believe we all know what is in it if I become the king of the city.

One of his friends reacted. We don't know what is in it for us. It is good you let us know our lots as you commence you plan.

You are all going to be chiefs of Ralite city under my reign, he responded.

The chiefs are entitled to royalties, properties etc. That's what you will get and much more if I succeed.

"What is the plan?" Another of his friends inquired.

Thank you for that question. This is why I have called you all for this meeting.

"I have a plan which I will explain shortly but will expect advise and supporting opinion from each one of you.

The plan is to take the knife given to my brother, then get him lock up in a prison far away from the city."

How do you intend taking away the knife and whisk away the king from the palace? A friend inquired again.

That's the essence of this meeting to get your opinion. Prince Kelly responded.

One of his friends, Mr. Filene said, there shouldn't be killings. You can send your secret guards to over power the palace guards using tranquillizer guns.

Then peacefully taking away the silver coloured knife.

That's a good plan, Prince Kelly commented.

More ideas friends, the prince requested.

Mr. Thema said if the tranquillizer will work on the guards where the knife is, it should also worked on the guards around the king premises. They all laugh!

You are right! Thema. The Prince remarked.

Now that we have the plan, how do we get the chiefs to install me as the king, the prince inquired. Friends, I need your opinion.

Money of course! Give them money and you will have your way, Sean advised.

Other friends supported the idea.

How much are we looking at here, Prince ask? How many chiefs are we looking at? Sean requested.

About fifteen of them, Prince responded.

You can give them 10 million each. You will recuperate your money when you get to the throne, Sean suggested.

Friends, what of the family of the king. The queen may want his son to succeed his father in his absence, Abbi, another friend asked.

If the chiefs are bought over, she will be suppressed, Jean responded.

Good point, other friends concluded.

I think we have solid plan, Prince remarked.

Guards bring refreshment for my friends.

Two guards brought into the room drinks and food for the guests.

They all ate and left the building at about 11.50pm for their various destination.

Meanwhile, prior to this meeting, the king had dispatched his spies to start looking into his brother's activities.

The spies had been tipped of some suspicious activities of the Prince. And had tailed him to the forest property on the meeting night.

The king's secret service needed to listen to the discussion in the meeting.

They dispatched two tech flies to the building to give them virtual sight and audio sound of the happening in the meeting.

The spies had position their operational van some distance from the building hiding in the forest.

They were able to get pictures of the ten supporters of the prince and their conversation on disk.

The planned dethronement of the king Richard is already discovered by the secret service. And the king had been briefed accordingly.

Prince and his supporters were unaware of the activities of the spies. And he'd continued on his plans.

They had agreed to execute their evil plans on Saturday.

The men that will infiltrate the palace guards had been selected and briefed.

They were to meet and take off from the forest house about 11pm on Saturday.

They were unaware that the king' spies knew all their plans.

On the operation's night, the prince and his hench men had proceeded to forest house as at 8pm to kit themselves for take off action by 11pm.

But prior to this time, the secret service had arranged how they will arrest the prince and his team in the forest.

They had position men of the secret service in the forest since the discovery of the prince plan to monitor activities in the house.

Unknown to the Prince and his supporters, closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras had been placed on their route in and out of the forest house to monitor them.

On the deal day, the king secret service had position fifty armed men at strategic locations along their route in the forest to prevent any escaping.

The spies monitored their activities since they arrived in the house by 8pm until 11pm when they all left.

The men that will carry out the operation entered the waiting van while Prince and his friends enter their expensive cars. They drove behind the van in a convoy.

The men of secret service were monitoring them from the camouflage van position hiding in the forest.

Head of operation, Mr. Harrison realized no person was left in the building. He wants to apprehend all without any escaping.

He then ordered his men to arrest all alive.

Immediately, the men of the secret service swarm into action.

A vehicle was driven to stop them in the front and another at the back while men with weapons surround them.

The Prince and his team could not believe the show of force and professionalism of the king secret service.

They were asked to come out of their van and cars.

The Prince was taking into a special waiting vehicle which was driven away. His accomplices were driven in a bus to the secret service premises in the city.

The Prince recognized Mr. Harrison who seated with him in the limousine. The men did not utter any word to each other til the limo stop in the palace premises.

Mr. Harrison dropped from the vehicle as a guard open the door. He ordered the same guard to open the other door for the Prince.

King is waiting in the palace to see you, Sir, Mr. Harrison announced to the Prince respectively.

Prince Kelly was full of shame, seeing the way he was well treated by the head of secret service.

He knew the king must have instructed they shouldn't maltreat him.

He summons courage as he walks into the palace to meet his brother.

Prince Kelly walked down the room to bow for his brother.

He kept silence and couldn't look his brother in the face.

The security guards in the room were more than usual number.

Even in the inside and outer palace premises, the security have been beefed up as more armed men can be seen around.

Kelly, what it is you are doing? If it is not you, I will say it is rivalry or hatred. But I don't know what to call this insane behaviour of yours, Kelly, the king inquired.

What is the problem brother? Do you need anything that hasn't been given to you.

I need an explanation for this insolent behaviour.

Prince Kelly could not utter a word. He just kept quiet and bow his head in shame.

He was disgusted with himself to having tried to pull such stunt against his blood brother.

It never occurs to him that anybody could know his plan before now. He was possessed by greed demon.

He is so much full of shame having been caught. He couldn't look up to him as he stands in his front that night.

My judgment is this; You will be confined to live in the former palace building with heavy guards under my watch.

You have been deposed of your position as the Prince of Ralite city until further notice.

Your allocation will be withdrawn until your case is revisited in a year.

Your wife and children will be under the king custody relocated to south side mansion in the palace. You will be restored to your position and allow to have your family back when you have turn a new leaf in about a year.

Kelly couldn't believe the judgment. He thought his brother will send him to prison to rotten there as he had planned.

Prince Kelly went down on his kneel and say; thank you my king.

King ordered the head of secret service to take his brother to the former palace building to start his confinement immediately.

Early the same day, king called his chiefs for an emérgency meeting to discuss pressing matters in the city.

He had kept the investigation of Prince activities by the secret service to himself.

He disclosed the latest happening in the city to the chiefs. He briefed them of his judgment on the Prince of the city.

Besides this, he instructed the chief in charge of security that the Prince's accomplices should be taken to the city court for prosecution.