Chapter 20: Wolves' destruction

It is now about six months that Joe Harts has been in search of his bulldog and German shepherd dog. Like many in the city, Joe Harts likes dogs and he used them as guard. He usually released them from their cage as from 9pm to guard his compound. He doesn't joke with his dogs well being.

He takes care of the dogs just as if he is caring for human. But there disappearance that fateful night baffled him.

Many dogs'owners in the city were also experiencing similar inexplicable situation. In the last few years, dogs reported missing from their owners are now uncountable.

What is taking them nobody knows. The dogs that were supposed to be for guards in the nights are now being kept in the cage to protect them from whatever is grabbing them.

All hands are on deck to find out what is whiskling away the specially breed dogs from their owners and to put an end to the cause of the dogs disappearance.

The veterinary doctors in the city decided to call a meeting of their association to discuss about the issues confronting their clients.

In the meeting, possible causes of dogs disappearance were deliberated upon. Many assumptions of the causes were discussed. Ranging from stealing by human, ghost and consumption by another beast etc. But the way forward in ensuring they put a stop to the disappearance of these dogs are paramount in their agenda. It was later agreed that they needed to know for sure the cause of the dogs' disappearance before they can design a way to stop the further occurrence. It was then suggested that a facility should be put in place where closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras can be installed to monitor dogs that will be left to roam the compound freely in the night. With this plan, they hope they will find a lasting solution to the current problems their clients were facing.

The decoy experiment to uncover the cause of dogs disappearance was set up in a veterinary clinic along Wellington street.

The clinic has a large compound. So about six CCTV cameras and solar powered bulb lights were installed in the compound.

Four bulldogs and four german shepherd dogs were released to roam the compound for the purpose of discovery the cause of dogs disappearance in the city.

The veterinary doctors that worked the night shifts were assigned to monitor the compound through the control room inside the clinic. The eight dogs were then released from their cage to roam around the clinic compound as from 9pm in the night. For five days, the dogs were not attacked by any human or animal. But on the sixth day, huge wolf was sited jumping into the compound from the rear area of the fence. The dogs fought the intruder but it succeeded in biting them. As soon as it bites them, they were overpowered and transformed into wolves. They then followed the wolf to jump the fence.

The scenes were captured on the CCTV video footage. It is cleared that the wolf had taken the changed dogs to their den. So the veterinary doctors now have answers to the question of what is causing the disappearance of special breed dogs in the city.

In the morning, the head of the veterinary doctors' association called another meeting of the association to reveal the new discovery to them and to discuss the way out. The meeting was promptly attended in the evening by the concerned doctors. They agreed that the wolves including the transformed dogs should be traced and silence to forestall the further conversion of more dogs in the city.

They agreed to inform the Police force in the eradication of the wolves and converted dogs.

Meanwhile, unknown to the veterinary doctors and the people of the city, there is a dominant wolf behind the mutation and transformation of the dogs. And for the singular purpose of vexing it anger on the people. The dominant wolf was half wolf and half human but something happened to him that made it impossible to turn to human again.

The legendary story have it that the dominant wolf was a great warrior that lived long ago. He had won several battle to possess inheritance, riches and landed properties but was not satisfied. He wanted more inheritance and wealth so he visited a wizard living back then in the thick jungle of Africa. The wizard gave him power that will enable him turn to wolf to win his battles but gave him a condition. He must only change to human in the cave after every battle. And that no human should see him come out of the cave. If any human sees him come out of the cave, then he will remain a wolf.

However, he was seen by his trusted servant that had followed him after a won battle not knowing the implication. He turned back to wolf after he met the servant at the mouth of the cave and was seperated from his people since then. So his return to the city was aimed to transform many dogs that will help him vex his anger on human.

The veterinary doctors had met with the Police force. They had been informed of the activities of the wolves in the city. They too were victims as their dogs had been transformed and stolen. They had concluded their strategies of locating the wolves' den wherever it may be for subsequent action.

The Police team assigned to handle the operation had gone out checking every nooks and crannies. All caves and dens of wild animals were searched out in the cause of their operation.

The team was divided into two. One on ground, combing the forest area where caves and mountains are. While the second team was using the helicopter to trace the wolves.

The two teams did search the forest far and near for five days but were unable to locate the wolves. They had lost all hope of ever getting to the wolves when the Police team received a distress call from a mansion far away in the forest.

The mansion belongs to Mr. Arnold Harold the owner of Damel Pharmaceutical Company Limited in the city. Mr. Arnold Harold has six guards working night shift in his huge estate. There are six big special breed dogs ( called german shepherd) that usually roam the vast land mass in the night. There are several closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras at strategic locations in the mansion and compound. The security guards monitored the compound through the CCTV monitor in the night.

The guards had recounted that at about 12 mid-night they had heard noises in the compound and what they saw on CCTV camera monitor was scary. They saw several big werewolves fighting the dogs in the compound. They too quickly picked their guns and came out to rescue the dogs.

They shot at some of the wolves to kill them. But they were so many, they had bitten the dogs which transformed immediately to big werewolves. They all at once now faced the six guards who were shooting at them. That succeeded in killing some of the werewolves but because they were so many they wrestled two of the guards to coma but the remaining four guards had to take cover from the vicious beast. While this was going on, Mr. Arnold Harold saw the scene on the CCTV monitor in the house and called the Police team to the scene.

The Police team responded immediately sending three helicopters with Police personnels for the rescue mission.

Right from the sky, the Police team started shooting at the werewolves in the compound. The Policemen in the three choppers were shelling to kill the wolves in the compound.

When the aircrafts finally landed, the wolves had been destroyed by the firearm of the Police rescue team with the support of the guards on ground. It was only few of the beasts that escaped.

It is now cleared to the Police team that the wolves were actually grouping to attack humans. And the government of King Richard would not allow such hostility on his citizens.

Mr. Arnold Harold was very grateful to the Police team that quickly heeded to his distress call. He thanked the Captain of the team, Captain Jean Ray, for their quick response. The two guards that were attacked by the werewolves were then taken by the ambulance to the hospital.

The news of the wolves attack at Mr. Arnold Harold's estate had spread in the city. The people of the city had been rightly informed on television, social media and radio of the possibility of wolves encroachment in any part of the city.

The citizens were however, expected to be indoor from 11pm daily. They are expected to call Police emergency line in case the wolves are sighted in their vicinity. These are the immediate measures the Police task force team has listed out for the citizens to prevent further attack on people in the city.

Unfortunately, there are clubs and casinos that refused to heed to the Police force preventive measures. These club and casino, Chanks Joint and Denoke Casino operated their businesses until 12mid night and 1pm daily. Even after the Police force directive that businesses should close to customers by 10pm and that citizens should keep from the street as from 11pm daily until further notice.

Five days after the incident at Mr. Harold's estate far in the forest, the werewolves surfaced again in the city center. The club and casino, Chanks Joint and Denoke Casino are not far from each other. Chanks Joint club is sited along Crescent street in the city center while Denoke Casino is just in the next street called Bradville street. About 12mid night the wolves invaded the club and the casino simultaneously.

The guards at the entrance and exit of the club and casino were overpowered by the wolves which invaded them unaware. They were consumed by the ferocious beasts.

They then have free way into the club and casino. Chanks Joint was filled with guests who had come to catch fun, drink and dance to musics. When the huge beasts made their way into the club, the size and threatening looks of the werewolves tormented the guests which caused pandemonium inside the hall, before the fierce looking wolves chased and feasted on them.

It was a terrible experience. The few workers in a seperate room that saw what was happening in the hall quickly locked themselves in the room and called the Police task force team for assistance.

The incident in the casino was similar to the attack in the Chanks Joint. But there are resistant from the men in the Denoke Casino who were armed. As the wolves advanced into the hall desperately looking for people to grab some men who had their guns resisted them by shooting at them. Some of these men with guns escaped but majority of the guests weren't luck. They were consumed by the vicious wolves.

Meanwhile, the Police response team had sent Police task force personnels to the two spots to destroy the wolves. It was an intense fight as the wolves were many in the two locations. It was after two hours of intensed gun battle that the Police task force personnels were able to destroy the werewolves. It is very obvious the wolves were hungry and they were out to eat flesh. They had feasted on all the humans in the Chanks Joint and Denoke Casino except the few who hide in Chanks Joint and the few with guns who fought and escaped at the Denoke Casino.

Something must be done immediately to prevent further occurrence of such destruction of humans. The news had gotten to the King's ear in the palace. He doesn't like such news of evil forces tormenting his people, talkless of killing them. He had to quickly called the head of the Joint Military and Police task force, Major General, Paul Fred to his office for a short meeting.

Prior to the meeting, the General had been briefed of the activities of the Police task force team headed by Captain Coleman who had searched the forest far and near for the den of the wolves. The search was unsuccessful as the team could not locate the wolves' den even after five days.

However, after the incident at the club and casino, the Police team had to go back into the forest looking for a clue to locate the wolves' den.

At the meeting with the King in which the Prince and other chiefs were present, General Paul Fred reiterated the activities of the Police task force team and that his team had been advised to join the search for the wolves.

He assured the King, the Prince and the entire Chiefs that the wolves would be subdued very soon. The King however advised he contact the royals in case the need for silver coloured knife arises. The royals, the King and the Prince have always demonstrated their readiness to combat along side with the Military and Police forces any time evil forces harrass or torment the citizens. So if it is difficult to eradicate the wolves, they are ready to help.

There were six seperate teams searching for the wolves' den now. The Police task force team headed by Captain Coleman with two teams were in the northern side of the city. The four seperate teams from General Paul Fred were covering the west, east and southern part of the city.

Police personnels and Military personnels were positions at every street in the city in the night. They watched for the wolves' invasion which usually takes place from 12midnight. For a week the six seperate teams searched for the wolves with no success. The wolves had also deserted the city and her environment just as if they were aware that there are soldiers waiting for them.

Then on the ninth day, the wolves surfaced again at the Garvin Corporation, a tech manufacturing company at 12:30mid night with the usual ferocious intention of feasting on the staff of the company. But the company already had adeaquate security measures in place. With the private security guards of the company and the military personnels which were stationed in the street, they repelled the advancing wolves with their firearms. The wolves that find their way into the premises of the company were destroyed by the private security guards. They were prevented from entering the company facility that housed the staff on night shift.

The wolves planned terror were promptly contained by the private security guards and the military personnels around the company premises and vicinity.

The teams used to call off their search for the wolves' den in the evening daily. And they haven't located the den. So, Colonel Philip Goodman and Captain Coleman agreed to go extra miles. They agreed to search in the night too. They agreed to search for the wolves in the night since their attacks were mostly in the night. They believed there are somethings magical about the wolves. They appeared as from 12 midnight and you can't locate their den in the day time. They concluded that it could be that they have a magical den that it can't be seen in the day. They may be lucky to get them in the night. So they agreed to search everywhere again in the night, especially as from 11pm.

The six different teams went all out the first night into all the caves and mountainous area they had searched before. Each team have three helicopters working with them.

The search team in the western part of the city was successful. They had searched all the forest area. The caves and mountainous area where the wolves could be seen had been searched out by the team. They were heading towards the northern side of the forest when the military personnels in one of the choppers alerted the men on ground the encroachment of the wolves. They saw the wolves trooping out of a cave they had searched some weeks back.

Other choppers were also called to the spot as the wolves were many in number. The team on ground quickly hide themselves to prevent attack from the ferocious wolves while they engaged them in gun fight. The personnels in the choppers were shelling them from above and men on ground were shooting them from their hideout.

The three choppers beamed their flash light at the wolves on ground and were shelling them with their machine guns. They were destroyed by the firearms of the military personnels on ground and in the three choppers.

In the morning, there were many dead wolves on the ground.

Meanwhile, the cave where they reside were discovered as they were sighted coming out of it. But the funniest thing is that the cave had been searched before and no wolves were sighted or seen in this cave. The military personnels still take it upon themselves to go into the cave again to conduct thorough check. But to their amazement no wolves were found in the cave.

So there are somethings debolic about the wolves the military men suspected. However, they wouldn't want to gamble with the safety of the citizens of the city, so they stocked the cave with explosives to destroy whatsoever wolves remaining in the cave.

For the next six months, there was no report of wolves attack in the city. So it was assumed the werewolves had been destroyed.