This feelings of mine, towards an enemy?!

sweet little words, a few words that make me feel better. a shame, without lies and full of honesty that letter of his considering my feelings, or what I feel. I didn't know, this feeling of mine was allowed since I didn't know much about him either. but I do not know if he know that much about me.

what ever lies in that true, I don't wanna face it. I'd rather just stay quiet and accept this.

" takemichi? " someone called, I turned my head to the voice's direction only to find chifuyu in there alone, it was awfully quiet at the room which was filled with loud noise before, a chaotic one not an unholy voice.

" yes, what is it? "

I smiled avoiding his gaze and looking at every direction, " you're still interested in the letter, are you? " I shaked my head and smiled once again as he sighed heavily. " is that true? he's coming back tonight, don't you worry. "

" I didn't need to know that. " I replied full of imbarrasment and an red tomato face. but I was relived that he's coming back, I just don't wanna say it. I'm not an tsundere in denial.

" shall I leave you to think? "

I nodded as he left and closed the door as I stepped closer to lock the door and thought about it all, " I, Takemichi Hanagiki, is truly confuse of how I feel. " talking to myself and replying, " yes, indeed. you are dumb. " talking shit to myself also. truly dumb. yes.

and a few glances of my memory came into my mind for a few seconds such as Mikey telling me how beautiful I am, and how erotic my looks are knowing that he lie about that.

I rarely see him, and everytime that rarely comes, I was in relief and knew that he's the only person who can make me feel comfortable in this world, whole wide world.

" how dumb.. "

a knock on the door and a familiar voice, " hey. " it said, I looked at the clocked it's not night just yet, maybe it is not Mikey but when I opened it, I saw his eyes looking into mine

he locked the door again, and hugged me into my waist, resting his head into my shoulders. saying " I'm tired. gimme some energy. " I was confused, " I thought you were coming back tonight?! " he shook his head and looked at me with a smile on his face.

" no, maybe. I wanted to see you I couldn't wait for the night to come. "

" sure.. no, okay. "

I just nodded and hugged him back to comfort him, or so called give him some energy. am I really doing this?, this?!

" I'm so, so tired. won't you sleep with me?

I blink many times, and surely I thought maybe I heard wrong but when I look at his face he was waiting for an answer, I couldn't bring myself to answer such an dumb question, I just nodded as my face turn red.

God, why are you always testing me?!

this feelings of mine towards an enemy.

I see, I'm doomed, what can I do?