First Date

"You're late." Andres placed his hands on his hips and pretended as if he's a nagging wife. As much to Carmen's frustration, she just giggled. Andres' upset look just makes her amused than frustrated.

"You know frowning doesn't suit you, Koronel. You look like a Tilapia gasping for air in that face." Andres raised an eyebrow.

"Stop calling me in my rank! You're not even a soldier to call me that. Unless—"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! Can we just get through this so you can leave?" She spatted, to which surprised the colonel. Then, he smirked.

"Andres, just call me Andres, okay? And yeah, we'll get through this quick because I want to annoy you more at home." And then, he leaned close to Carmen's reddish face then grinned. "And by the way, your face is blushing." He whispered

To Carmen's surprise, she pushed Andres and covered her face with her fan. Her fast beating heart amuses the colonel. She hit him with her fan when she noticed he is looking at her chest. "Pervert!"

"H-huh? I didn't mean to— What? Huh? What were we doing a while ago?" He didn't realized that he was staring at her chest a few moments ago.

"Pendejadas! Why the hell are you staring at me so weirdly a while ago?" Carmen's face gets redder and redder.

"What? I was staring at you?— Oh! Yeah, I apologize for that. Sorry! I didn't mean to listen to your heartbeat matching with mine." For Carmen, she doesn't deny that her heartbeat was matching with his at the moment but her bottomline was why does he have to stare at her in a different way. Like he's planning on something that she doesn't know. Or maybe she is just paranoid.

"I'm hungry. Can we have breakfast? Papa just prepared breakfast for all of us." Carmen changed the topic, hoping that Andres would go along.

"Yeah, sure. But, I don't want to eat at home. Maybe you could treat me to a restaurant nearby? Just kidding! My treat." He grabbed Carmen's hand and then they ran from the lake ahead towards a cafeteria near the local church. He opened the door and went in. They sat on a table right next to the glass pane with a view of the church and the plaza. Andres asked Carmen what she would like to order, she just said a hot espresso coffee will do. Andres just ordered a slice of pie and tea.

"You know that tea suits better with Ensaymada, right?" Carmen commented as she sips on her coffee.

"I'm not a fan of Ensaymada though…" Andres replied. "But since you've said it, I'll try." He added then ordred a bun of Ensaymada.

"By the way, why were you talking to General Alejandrino this morning?" He asks the takes a bite on his Ensaymada.

"General Alejandrino and I are friends. We've known each other for a couple of years now. We've just discussed about the war and stuff." She replied then pinches a piece of Ensaymada and eats it.

"And also, he told me about General Luna's death, which saddens me because we met in Spain while I was studying there." She added. Andres placed his hand on his chin

"Hmm… Yeah, I've heard about that rumor. But, General Goyo ordered us to capture Luna and those who are associated with him." He said

"Well too bad, Luna's dead." Carmen said with a sad tone in her voice. She looks at the church outside.

"But, we're asked to capture a lieutenant from the Tiradores. It's said that he is an apprentice and really close to Luna." Andres said which made Carmen almost spill her coffee in shock.

"Really? Why would General Goyo capture a lieutenant, just because he is siding with Luna? That's absurd." She asked and placed her palm to her face and sighed.

"I don't know. I just follow orders from the general. I have no choice." Andres shrugged off his shoulders in response.

"Idiota! You're a colonel. You should know better. You mustn't follow the person, only the principles. And don't shrug your shoulders to me! I hate men who don't know what they're doing." Carmen takes another pinch of Ensaymada. Andres just smiled.

"Lo siento, Senorita."

An awkward silence surrounds the two parties.

"What will you do to the lieutenant if you finally captured him?" Carmen asks.

"Well, we'll asked him to join our brigade and give him a higher rank." Andres replied.

"What happens if he refuses to give in?" She added.

"We'll kill him. He might cause a rebellion among Filipinos if we keep him alive." She was stunned when she heard those words. It is the consequence of being patriotic and awaken in reality. She turned pale.

They both looked at the busy plaza, people chattering, some people already hanging up the banderitas. It is a busy day in San Isidro. Carmen thinks about the news said by Andres. General Goyo capturing Luna and his associates. She wonders how are Captain Rusca and the Bernal brothers doing now that they're being hunted by the general. She is also worried about her fate. She knew that these people will kill her if they find out that she's one of the Tiradores as Andres mentioned earlier.

There is also an unpredictable aura in Andres, in which she is curious about. She wants to get to know him more, and possibly convince him to be awaken from the blinding light of idolarity. However, she guesses that he's too stubborn and stupid for him to listen to her. And besides, Carmen hates people who are associated with President Aguinaldo.

She glanced at Andres, who is gazing at the busy plaza. She couldn't help but feel pity towards the man. He is blinded by the higher parties and too stubborn to be awaken. She can tell from the way he treated her at the plaza yesterday. She detest arrogant men, especially officers.

It is a fine Sunday today. They decided to go to church and pray. Carmen is at the front while Andres is at the back, watching her. She knelt and brought out her rosary then prayed. Andres watched her while waiting.

As he is watching her, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by her presence. He admires women who love God, and also wise. Ironically he doesn't listen to advices but he admired wise women.

He also knelt and started praying. He prays for hope for our country and for Carmen to realize his love for her, even though they have only met yesterday. There is something about the woman that enchants the colonel to be attracted to her. Maybe it's her mestiza look and her sprinkle of freckles across her face, her wavy brown hair, large hazel eyes. There are so many things to describe her. But, he can infer that Carmen is an intelligent woman, and wiser. He hoped that she will accept him sooner.

Andres has been a huge flirt when it comes to women. Every town, there is not a woman who has cried for him. He maybe not known that much but his charming looks and wide choice of words can catch women's hearts. But when he met Carmen, he felt that she is not an easy catch, in which he admires for as woman. He prefers hard-to-get women and would actually interested to get to know him more.

As Carmen finishes praying, she headed to Andres and they went outside the church. It is already noon and they're both heading to a restaurant. Exhausted from walking, they sat down on the chairs outside and the waiter gave the menu. Andres ordered grilled fish while Carmen had Carbonara. They both had iced tea as beverages.

"So, tell me more about yourself." Carmen broke the silence as they wait for their food to be served.

"Well, I am a colonel under General Del Pilar. But before that, I was a fencing instructor in Sala d Armas—"

"Liar." Carmen said

"It's true! I even get to spar with Luna—"

"Liar." Carmen raised an eyebrow. "I attend classes in Sala d Armas and I didn't see your face there. And I am still doubtful that you're Goyo's soldier." She added.

"You got me." He raised his hands in surrender. "But really, I am Goyo's soldier. And a mason"

"Really? What battle did you join?" She asks.

"Cry of Pugad Lawin." He replied.


"Private. I had a jump promotion due to my bravery and being one of President Aguinaldo's favorites." He bragged.

"Ahh… So you became colonel because of favoritism? I see…"

"Do you have a problem with that?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Nah…" She looked at him.

Finally, the food is being served. As they eat, Carmen asked another question.

"How many women did you flirted before me?" Andres nearly spitted his iced tea and looked at her widely.

"What kind of question is that?" He spatted in surprise.

"Why? Are you embarrassed ?" She teases. Andres finishes his chewing and his arm on the chair.

"No!" He denied.

"Really? Then tell me." She insisted. He sighed then smirked.

"Actually, I've flinged with dozens of women. One night stand here, flirting there, but none of them stayed committed." He spoke.

"That's because you're a huge flirt. You should've pursued one woman and didn't find another when you two had misunderstandings"

"Ouch ha? That's why I want to marry you eh, to stop me from flirting with other women."

"That's not how that works." Carmen placed her palm on her face and sighed.

"Then how does it work?" Andres asked.

"Even before marriage, if you really love the woman, even the two of you are not married, you should stop looking for other women. You have to stay committed to one woman even in sickness and in death. It's called being faithful. Marrying because you want to stop your flirting is different from marrying because of love. Because, even if you are married, you will still cheat with other women. That's the reality. You can't rely on someone else to stop your vices." Andres nodded in response. Carmen does have a point there. He learned something.

"You're right. Then I'll pursue you until you love me too." He said with a grin on his face. Carmen just sighed as a reaction.

"Good luck pursuing me. I'm not an easy prey." She smiled as she twirls the carbonara with her fork.

"You're a lovely lady, Carmen. You're beautiful, smart, and confident. Many men would fall for you, and I am one of them." Andres looked at her with gleaming eyes. Her cheeks flustered when she heard those words. She gave a soft smile.

"Thank you." She said.

"You're welcome." He replied.

As they finished having their lunch, they strolled around the plaza. They bought various things in the marketplace and talked casually. Carmen observes that Andres is a fine man, a gentleman. That's because they are in a public place right now or it's just he's pursuing her. His gestures will be gone once they are married. So, she has to keep her guards up. He might be just taking advantage of her.

As they walk around the plaza, a beggar with leper is playing guitar outside the church. To Carmen's pity, she approached the beggar and gave her amulet to him. That amulet came from Europe.

"Why did you give your amulet to him?" Andres asked.

"He needs that to treat his sickness. And besides, he's probably hungry and needs money to buy his meal. And, I have many more jewelry at home." She replied

"Not going to lie, he is really good in playing his guitar." He commented. Carmen nodded in agreement.

"Did you know that I play various instruments as a hobby?" He shared.

"So you're a musician too?" Carmen asked.

"Yeah, sort of. I only play when I have spare time. Would you like to listen to it later at home?"

"Sure" Carmen nodded and smiled.

They walked until they reached the Mariano estate they rested in the sala.