Chapter :- Fear a Magician

As Ron lay on the white hospital bed, his fingers danced lazily across a holoscreen. It was a quiet night, the only sound in the room the rhythmic hum of medical equipment. The headset he wore was now a mere accessory, its visor resting beside him.

The headline that drew his attention was bold and unforgiving: "SwiftShot Banished from Reckless Devils Guild – A Fall from Grace." Ron's lips curved into a sardonic smile as he tapped the headline, immersing himself in the digital drama that was SwiftShot's life."SwiftShot, oh SwiftShot, your descent was swift indeed," Ron murmured, his voice a low, amused rumble.

He scrolled through the article, absorbing the details of his old friend's downfall. The once-celebrated member of Reckless Devils had been exiled, discarded like a malfunctioning piece of equipment.His words flowed freely as he addressed the virtual SwiftShot. "You see, my dear friend, the road to power is not always paved with gold. Sometimes, it's lined with banishment orders."Ron's eyes twinkled with mischief as he read on, learning that the Reckless Devils Guild had set a bounty on MaskMan and retrieving the coveted Heaven's Duty sword.

No wonder they're pulling out all the stops."

The room seemed to shimmer with the holographic text as Ron chuckled to himself. "Assassins, eh? They're willing to do whatever it takes to get that sword back. Little do they know, they'll be tangling with the wrong wolf."

His fingers lightly drummed on the edge of the holoscreen as he pondered the situation. "So, they're coming for me, thinking I'm an easy target. Well, they've got another thing coming."

[Game login]

A feeling of restlessness tugged at Ron as he contemplated the upcoming match. "I've already settled the score with SwiftShot, and revenge has been sweet." He pondered aloud, "Do I even need to continue with this match?"His thoughts then turned to the finals, a hint of excitement creeping into his voice. "And who's this? Fear, the illusionist.

Well, that certainly piques my interest."With a sense of purpose, Ron's mind buzzed with the possibilities that lay ahead. "Fear, you might be the one they fear, but you're about to face the one they call MaskMan. Let's see who emerges victorious."

"Final batch between Mask man and Fear the illusionist began in 3 2 1"

"GO" "GO"

Ron, in his masked disguise, and Fear, the Illusionist, stared each other down from opposite ends of the arena."Are you ready for this, Mask Man?" Fear called out, his voice echoing through the stadium. "You may have defeated SwiftShot, but I'm a whole different league."

Ron chuckled, his voice amplified by the arena's sound system. "Oh, Fear, I've been looking forward to this. Let's see if your illusions can match up to my skills.".

Fear wasted no time, immediately activating his Illusionary Mirage (Level 8) ability. Multiple copies of himself appeared, each indistinguishable from the real Fear. They spread out, surrounding Ron from all sides.

Ron's werewolf senses were put to the test as he tried to locate the real Fear amidst the illusions.

"Impressive," he admitted. "But I've faced tougher challenges."With a roar, Ron unleashed his Sonic Howl (Level 6), creating a shockwave that rippled through the arena. The illusions around him shattered like glass, revealing the real Fear, who was momentarily stunned.

Fear quickly recovered and countered with Illusionary Fog (Level 7). A thick mist enveloped the arena, obscuring visibility. Ron's enhanced senses were of little use in this dense fog.From within the mist, Fear's voice taunted, "Lost in the fog, Mask Man?

suddenly a blade out of no where slash Ron's back.

The arena was enveloped in thick, disorienting mist, and Ron had temporarily lost sight of Fear.

Fear's Illusionary Fog proved to be a formidable challenge, and Ron couldn't determine the real Fear from the illusions.From within the mist, Fear's voice taunted, "Lost in the fog, Mask Man? This is where my illusions thrive."Ron strained his senses, trying to locate any sign of his opponent amidst the swirling illusions. Suddenly, an illusory figure of Fear appeared before him.

Without hesitation, Ron swung around and summoned a burst of flames using Flame Ball (Level 5). The fire illuminated the mist, revealing that the Fear before him was nothing but an illusion But something was amiss.

Ron felt a strange vibration in the air, and the arena seemed to distort around him. His werewolf instincts screamed a warning. It was then that he realized that Fear had used this illusion to buy time, to charge up his ultimate skill.The true Fear was hidden within his grand illusion, channeling his Illusionary Overload (Ultimate).

The entire stadium quaked as Fear's power reached its zenith. Illusions of monstrous creatures manifested all around, creating a nightmarish landscape.

Ron's heart raced as he realized the magnitude of Fear's ultimate skill. The illusions closed in, threatening to overwhelm him. Fear's maniacal laughter echoed through the chaos."This is the end, Mask Man!

My illusions are your worst nightmare!"Ron couldn't afford to hesitate. He had to act quickly. In a moment of desperation, he recalled the artifact he had obtained from LunaArrow – the Ring of Arcane Winds.With a swift motion, Ron activated the ring. Suddenly, a powerful wind surged around him, lifting him off the ground. He soared upward, defying gravity, and the illusions momentarily lost their grip on him.From his elevated vantage point, Ron used Wind Cannon (Level 5) to create a localized gust of wind. The wind cleared a path through the illusions, providing him with a temporary view of the real Fear, who was charging up his ultimate power.With no time to waste, Ron launched himself downward, using the momentum from gravity to enhance the power of his strike. His claws glowed with an otherworldly energy as he descended like a falling comet.Fear, still focused on channeling his ultimate skill, didn't see Ron's attack coming until it was too late. Ron's claws struck Fear with devastating force, breaking through the illusions that had shielded him.The impact sent Fear sprawling across the arena, defeated. The illusions dissipated, and the stadium returned to its normal state.Ron landed gracefully, the winds dissipating around him. The audience was in awe of the incredible battle they had just witnessed. Fear, though defeated, looked up at Ron with a mixture of surprise and respect."You... you truly are a force to be reckoned with," Fear admitted, his voice filled with awe.

"and as a Reward I will choose hmm let me guess"

{Name:- Magician staff

Rank :- Heroic

description :- ???


"ah!! a Heroic grade Staff that's the best think I can get as a mage class I chose this "

"gawawaawawwaa You are such a fun to play with"

Fear while suddenly teleported towards exit of the door.

"You are such a fun guy to play with I am sure I will meet you again" said by fear while laughing and leaving the stadium.

"what wrong with this weirdo? well I don't mind I got another heroic grade weapon.

"wai!! wait a min what this is?? "

{Name :- Wooden stick

Rank :- Common

description :- a wooden stick casted as staff with a powerful illusion.

attack :- 1

durability :- 5


That!! that bastard scam me!! next time I see him he will be dead!!