Lothaire dead?

"Now what!" Willow thought, unknowingly saying it out loud.

"We will find out a way," Lothaire who sat beside her on the front seat of the truck replied calmly as he leaned back and relaxed.

"Yes, like that's going to happen"

"Relax, Tinkerbell. No need to stress. You will wrinkle that pretty face"


"Could you please watch where you drive, woman?" Lothaire said loudly, getting her attention.

Willow steered the vehicle in the nick of time just before it was about to collide with a tree.

"Sorry," Willow muttered.

"It's becoming a habit for you, doesn't it? You do it and then say sorry"

"Don't grumble vampire, I said sorry"

They both kept quiet as Willow drove along. Tension rose in the ensuing silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

"Do you think the guy we met yesterday knows anything about the king?"