We shouldn't...

Willow blinked rapidly as her mind played the scenes of her painful past. She thought she was past the stage of feeling pain. Past the stage of shedding tears. Yet, a few traitor tears slipped past her control.

Looking at her tears, Lothaire felt the pain in his chest area that he thought long dead to tears. What is this woman doing to him? He wanted to grab her, wipe her tears and kiss those plump lips to make her better. But he restrained. She needs this. She needs to unburden her heart and he shall remain far. He clenched his fists tightly to stop them from doing what he wanted to do.

"Well, at that time I didn't grasp, but later when my mind cleared from the fog of grief, I realized that the murderer..." Willow's voice hitched at that word, the pain still new on her heart, "could be only a vampire," Willow wiped her tears with her right hand, feeling lighter.