They are doomed

Willow explained to him as she gathered all of her things from the flat and started packing.

Lothaire's fists clenched.

"You are not coming with me," he said after a minute.

"No way in hell am I leaving you. Get used to it, Bones. Your skinny ass is stuck with me," Willow said stubbornly over her shoulder as she zipped the bag.

"It's too dangerous, woman. I won't let you," Lothaire grabbed the passing Willow and held her close to his chest. His eyes looking deeply into hers.

"News flash vampire. You are not my boss. Drug me, bind me, knock me out cold vampire, but you are not getting rid of me. I will still find a way to be with you until this end," Willow said in a husky voice, his proximity doing wonderful things to her body.