Lothaire's face is a blank mask as he faces her. He thought he had time before revealing his secret. Instead, he got blindsided.
"Say something." The sound had been pulled into the vacuum. She could hear a faint buzz ringing in her ears, similar to the moment before a volcano erupts.
"Answer me," Willow whispered. A chill of apprehension slid down her spine.
Lothaire remained stoic. A muscle ticking in his jaw. What could he say that doesn't make him sound like a manipulative bastard? Though he is exactly that.
"Is it the truth? Are you... are you the vampire king?" Her eyes pleaded silently to him to prove her wrong. To make it all go away. She wanted to close her eyes like a child and pretend that everything was fine. Alas, if only it is that simple.
"Willow. You don't know the half of it," Lothaire tried to take a step. Though explaining himself to others is not in his nature, he tried, for her.