The king has risen

The land soon became crowded as werewolves and vampires came out of the vehicles. The vehicles alone exceeded 40.

A chill slid down her spine in apprehension. Willow has no doubt in mind that she is not coming out of this harmless. She is brave, not stupid.

She took a few shallow breaths, clamped her back teeth together, straightened her spine as she held a gun in each hand, and faced the enemy staring them straight in the eyes.

From her peripheral vision, she couldn't locate the impersonator nor the mage. They must be watching from one of those vehicles. Enjoying the show, no doubt.

Some laughed, some snickered looking at her all alone in the field. They jabbed each other with their elbows as if they couldn't believe a woman can stand alone before an army of over 100 hard-core mercenaries.

Willow blanked her mind. There is no room for panic, for error. She has to believe in herself. Lothaire is counting on her.