In the year 2029, the world of Virtual Reality has become the new frontier. The latest technology system, The Tyche Engine Series created by the E-Dice Corporation, has made VR interaction both affordable and fully immersive when coupled via new neurological bracer controls. In only a few years, the Tyche Engine has replaced all modern computing systems for education, entertainment, and recreation as a whole. As the next generation embraces this new VR enabled world, the old world starts to slowly fade out all manners or conventional interaction. Shopping malls are replaced by VR stores, VR classes are given as primary instead of alternate learning courses, and where once you could go out for movies, restaurants, and social meetings people stay in instead. That was until the rise of new conditions from prolonged use of VR Engines.

Double Life Syndrome was much an addiction as it was a psychotic break with reality. The lucid dream-like quality of the Tyche Engine begins to make many people lose grip on reality resulting in schizophrenic actions in reality. Growing concerns cause the E-Dice Cooperation to respond with creating a new biometric lock system that would limit the use of the Tyche Engine. Yet, 13 hours a day, 5 days a week with only increased demand with people willing to risk life and sanity for the benefits of new worlds to explore. The most popular world and by far the most profitable for both players and E-Dice combined was MMORPG (Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) known as Fortuna Sands.

Fortuna Sands is a game with a unique take on skill and role playing. While still retaining the conventional RPG stats like Health and Action, it is a game resembling a giant casino in a virtual desert. Health called Luck Points (LP) and Action called Karma Points (KP) are determined at random. It was the first game from E-Dice and by far the most popular because its game currency (Sand Dollars or G$) can be converted into real world money at the rate of $1 for every G$ 1,000. Every skill a player purchases opens a new opportunity to play the System or other players for G$, and every day the player rolls a random generator to determine LP and KP at the start of each play. Depending on what skills you have determines your ability to compete, in duels of Dance, Song, Magic, or Strength. Each player is an entertainer trying to earn G$ and every level of skill determines a different game to play.

While certain measures help the game from becoming an addiction such as kicking players out when all LP is exhausted, the games popularity continues to rise. For in the words of the game's creator, "fortune smiles on the brave for those who venture into the sands." In this game of odds and ends, only those who have the Luck and Skill can make a fortune or lose it all, and those who have both can reign as kings in this realm of fortune and fantasy.