"Is there something wrong, Missy?" Mr. Wei said gazing at her slack-jawed expression?

"What the hell is this?" She said reach into the box and pull out a small sphere like object. It shined as brightly as the statue in the safe room, but with a golden glow that seemed like a miniature sun, although only the size of a golf ball.

"You know a Z-Sphere is a very unique item, it gives you a chance at a second roll and is very hard to find. How is that not a good thing?"

"You don't, I don't, I just, what that?" She slumped to the floor as if she had been scared out of her virtual form. "Is this all there is? I just don't get it."

"What's your bobbly Missy, if I may humbly inquire?"

She practically sobbed virtual tears, until she came to her senses to answer.

"My aunt's last will said that her legacy was in this box. My father told me that she had wealth beyond measure."

"Were you expecting something more than a die? Perhaps a fortune in Sand Dollars to transfer your personal account."

"No, it's not the money. It's my father, he needs..." She stopped before she got to personal. "...What business is that of yours, the point is, what am I supposed to do with this?"

"I can see your dilemma, but sadly the Z-Sphere is an object that cannot be traded or exchanged for cash because its value is undeterminable. However, if you'd have looked under that bottom you might have noticed something else is still inside."

Cee got back up to her feet and looked deeper into the lock box. Aside from the Z-Sphere there was also a slip of paper that looked like a ticket you might find at a train station, engraved with golden scripture. Stamped on the was a logo of Lily Pad and frog printed on it, she had seen something very similar on the back of Guy's sign. On instinct she tapped the logo and a model of the casino in the middle of a large lake-like structure. The casino itself was decorated with large reeds and statues of frogs all around them. A fireworks display appeared as the window opened up with these words.

[ The Wishing Pond Casino, where all your dreams come true. This ticket will allow special access to early events before the casino's grand opening. May the spirits guide you and fortune smile upon you. ]

[ T-minus: 1 hour, 57 minutes, To START. ]

"I see, you are very lucky indeed Missy."

"What for a ticket?"

"You don't know about an early event the Wishing Pond is having?"

"I usually clip off the ads."

"Well that explains it. If you have known that like most casino properties that open in the Sands, early access tickets are in limited supplies. Most players have to either buy their way or be selected by random lottery. Either way, many players would give their right arm to get their hands on that ticket."

"Is it that valuable?"

"The last person to auction off their ticket got an estimated G$ 1 Million."

"That's got to be at least $1,000 in real life and I'm just holding it in my hand?"

"I suppose if it's money you're looking for you could probably log out and sell that ticket on an open auction."

"There's barely a couple of hours left."

"Believe me, that item would sell in a matter of minutes, but..."

"But, what, but what?" She desperately asked, wondering what could prevent her from receiving this windfall.

"These early access events can open up items and skills that could be highly valued. The lowest prize offered in these events is estimated at twice the worth of the ticket itself, then there's the grand prize. No one knows how much it's worth but the last casino opening had a grand prize that was worth one billion sand dollars."

"That's a million dollars! Are you kidding me?!"

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" He said with his smile turning to a statuesque face as fierce as the jade dragon statue.

"I know it's a gamble, but consider this." He said, staring at Cee with his snake-like eyes. "Your aunt left you that item and that ticket because it was your inheritance. Would she want you to simply sell it or see where it leads you? Perhaps it's part of a bigger picture you're not seeing?" He turned his head away and changed his tone to a much more light heart tone. "Of course, that's just speculation? As you said yourself, it's not the end that's important, but the journey that gets you there."

"...By any chance, did you know my aunt?"

"I know the owner of that box rarely came around, but when she did she barely had much to say. Yet, that's why I'm called Wei, I don't ask questions I just lead and people follow. So if you want to make it to the Frog district I suggest you get there before the ticket expires."

"R-right." She held the ticket and sphere in hand started heading toward the exit.

"Ahem," Wei coughed. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He pointed to the Z-Sphere and then to the pool of water underneath the dragon statue. "It could help you on your way."

If this pool is anything like that fountain, at the Hub then she knew what she had to do with this little golf ball looking object in her hand. She casually tossed it into the pool of water, just as expected the water turned into glittering shade of gold as the ball disintegrated. As if coming alive the dragon statue's eyes began to glow with a similar aura as it began to spin its eyes around like a pair of reels on a slot machine. When they stopped, 2 numbers were revealed before her.

[ 3 ] [ 1 ]

The golden aura in its eyes evaporated like a mist and shouted out its mouth like a breath of dragon fire. The fire did not burn Cee but engulfed her like a shield of aura to open her personal menu automatically to reveal the reveal the new prize she had won.

[ Name: C-Note

Luck Points: 36

Karma Points: 971

G$: 36,924

(1) Heart Charm ]

"Wait, the Charm is no longer cursed?" She double checked the item's information just to be sure.

[ Heart Charm

Can be converted into 10 KP, 1 LP or G$1,000,

Either by command or when circumstances demand it. ]

"It's a side effect of using the pool of the Green Jade Dragon."

"I thought I'd need to pay to break the curse."

"It's in the house Missy." He said, leading her to the door again.

"Thank you very much Mr. Wei." She said respectfully.

He stopped for a minute to open the door, turning his eyes again in his snake like manner.

"Believe me Missy, from what I've heard you're gonna need all the help you can get."

She walked with Wei back out of the vault, leaving the lifeless dragon once again to dwell in darkness.

# # #

It had been at least an hour since Cee had ventured out on her own. With little knowledge of the VR game terrain and only signs to guide, she ventured toward the frog district. Fortunately the ticket also had a compass that led her in the general direction of the event. It wasn't completely accurate, but it got her on the right track. While traveling the streets she learned more about her skills available to her.

[ Dancing (Lv. 1)

A busker skill.

Allows you to perform a dance-off,

May advance into its own unique style.

Cost: -1 KP ]

[ Palming (Lv. 1)

A dealer skill.

Allows you to change a table challenge results,

May advance into its own unique style.

Cost: -1 KP ]

[ Runway (Lv. 1)

A wheeler skill.

Allows you to perform a walk-off challenge,

May advance into its own unique style.

Cost: -1 KP ]

While she was unfamiliar what all that flavor text meant, knowing the cost of battle meant she could understand how much fight would cost. More importantly, while engaged in combat she had learned a few more interesting facts about how combat worked in this new game. Whether or not it was one of the 3 skills she engaged in, she learned to pick her fights carefully. Each challenge drained more Luck than Karma but the battle didn't end until the Cursed NPC had lost 2 matches against her.

Out of the many Jinxes that roamed, 19 matches were fought against various challengers. Karma Points were a common reward, and Luck was uncommon, but in the course of those matches she managed to acquire 4 more cursed Charms. She had learned much from her challenges, and could understand why people would play this game. The thrill of success, the anticipation of the unexpected, was a rush to her brain. Sometimes she wondered if she would get caught in a challenging frenzy if she had the LP to spare, but with time running out she reaffirmed her path and followed the path to the her destination.

[ Name: C-Note

Luck Points: 7

Karma Points: 956

G$: 37,524

(1) Heart Charm

(2) Star Charm (CURSED)

(3) Clover Charm (CURSED)

(4) Diamond Charm (CURSED)

(5) Leaf Sharm (CURSED)

"Okay, assuming I don't meet any more surprises along the way, the Wishing Pond should be right around the block." Cee said examining her current resources available.

The street was vast and empty with only the simulated wind and virtual dust to keep her company. Yet, from her travels she did not let her guard down, since behind every dim light there could be Jinx waiting if she wasn't careful. Carefully she walked down the street, until a shadow appeared lurking in front of her.

"Did I speak too soon?" She got in an offensive position as the stranger came walking out in front of her.

It was in this darkness that shining light appeared as he pulled his right hand from out of the coat pocket. Although the golden glow was strong, she could make out the shape of the golden emblem shaped like a four-leaf clover. She had seen that mark before on many blessings by never someone with a golden leafed clover. She didn't know if this was a windfall or a downfall waiting to happen. The NPC tipped his fedora hat in respect as he waved his hand like an old friend.

"Lovely morning, wouldn't you say Miss?" The man casually commented.

"...How can you tell, it's practically dusk all the time." She hesitated to respond.

"You can tell by the light of the Lucky Star." He pointed to the large golden diamond in the sky above. "It circles 8 districts like a giant circle, 3 hours for each district. As you can see it's passing the Horse district at the 6th hour, soon it will reach the zenith of the 7th hour in this district."

"So, it's like a clock."

"More like a sundial, if you believe in such things." He adjusted his hat and coat for a moment to hide his face as he looked at Cee with a curious glance. "If I may be so bold, what brings you down this way Miss?"

"Oh, you know, just on my way to see a guy about frogs." She laughed in an awkward manner, trying to make small talk with a computer program in a VR game.

"I see...and is this frog a special frog or one just hopping along the pond?"

"Wait, what?" She asked, perplexed.

"Perhaps you should show me."

POOF! A black cane appeared out of thin air in the fedora man's hand. He twirls it around once and taps the tip of the cane on the ground. In an instant a large golden circle appeared around the area, encasing them both a shimmering field of light. Cee recognized a familiar sensation as a new window appeared before her face.

[ You have entered a Yellow Zone.

No Luck or Karma Points will be consumed. ]

"A Yellow Zone?" She said in disbelief.

"If you would be so kind as to show me skills, please?"

Although Cee didn't know how or why this Blessed NPC had opened this area, if practice makes perfect she couldn't pass up a chance to practice all her skills before reaching the final stretch. With a shuffle of her foot she began demonstrating her dancing first. As her body froze the deck of fate appeared and cards were drawn.

[ Dance (Lv. 1)

Player draws:

(Red) Joker !



Her feet began to move and turn as her body motioned like a marionette doll controlled by strings. After 11 steps of success, she drew the final card to activate the special move.

[ 10 of Diamonds ]

She pushed off her body and began to spin on her head like top, until the next card dropped and she landed back on her feet. The next maneuver she tried her hand with her Runway ability, a move she was secondly familiar with and had good record so far.

[ Runway (Lv. 1)

Player draws:

10 of Clubs

LUCK draws:

5 of Hearts ]


10 Steps Activated!]

She walked toward the NPC and Vogue with flashes of light and glitter bursted all around her. Her final move was a cold hard stare that depicted her as a statue of a beautiful goddess standing in the light of the Lucky Star like a spotlight. Her next skill she tried was palm, which didn't come up too much in Jinx counters but had given it a try a couple of times to little success. This time might have been different since it was a special and unexpected occasion.

[ Palming (Lv. 1)

Player draws:

5 of Diamonds

LUCK draws:

2 of Diamonds


5 Tricks Activated!]

From under the palm of her hand 5 cards appeared from thin air. She shuffled and shot the cards in the air and made them appear and disappear 5 times, counting down each trick by the number of cards in her hand. When the last card was there she tossed it in the air, caught it in her palm and then made it appear and disappear in a puff of smoke.

POOF! With all 3 skills demonstrated, she waited to hear what the NPC had to say. He stood patiently with his hand across his chin, tapping his fingers on his cane as if wondering what to say. In the end, he slowly clapped his hands with little enthusiasm in his tone.

"...Very good show," he said. "Your dancing is by far your strongest point, but the rest of your abilities could use a little more work. Perhaps, you could train with an instructor while you're in this district."

"Does matter, I'm not gonna be around her long enough to find out." She recalled she wasn't playing this game for fun.

"That's a terrible shame, but you never know what the winds will turn." He said picking up his cane and walking toward Cee with his clover hand in front of her. "May the spirits be with you Miss, whatever your path shall bring."

She shook his hand in return, but noticed the clover on his hand was glowing with a strange and eerie glow as bright as the Lucky Star itself. The moment she let his hand go, a couple of windows appeared before her eyes about a sudden change in her status.

[ Runway has been upgrade to Lv. 2. ]

[ Dancing has been upgraded to Lv. 3. ]

"Hey! How did you-?" She turned her head to catch sight of the NPC but he had vanished from her sight as the yellow zone quickly dispersed into the dust. "I didn't know, they could do that."

She knew that blessed could be used for training skills, but she never knew they could upgrade them. Still, whether she met the right conditions or just stumbled upon a discovery, she decided it was best to press on. The casino was just ahead around the corner of an old building, and shining in brilliant light like a giant advertisement was the Wishing Pond casino.