"Wow, I've been trying to get a Lucky Break for months, but I never hit one like you." Fi said, shaking Cee's hand's very rapidly. "What did you think it was, was it a round number, having all five charms together? I mean that odds of something like that are like gotta be literally one in a million. Of course that's just an estimate, I haven't even drawn the charts yet..."

"A moment please, bubble head." Chance said stepping between her and Cee. "That was risky, you know, if it hadn't been a lucky break, that system could have drained more than just your sand dollars it would have taken you L/K as well to compensate. Just because you're new you shouldn't be taking reckless risks like that. This game has real money on the line."

"S-sorry, but it all worked out didn't it." Cee said. "It's like my father always said, the best way to learn is the jump in the water."

"Maybe I should start calling you bubble head, frogs legs." Chance scuffed.

"Don't mind him, he takes this game way too seriously."

"You don't? I thought you were a math major?"

"Nah, that was my parents idea, I think of math as fun. What I really wanna do is costume design. Like this neat little ensemble I'm wearing right now." She posed in her sequin dress like a fashion model. "My parents however, won't pay the bills unless I 'use my gifts for more appropriate lessons.' I mean the argument I had to have to make them allow me to use VR for something not school related alone." She shook her head.

"Well, at least you got something to fall back on?" She tried to cheer her up.

"You would think but..."

RING RING. A beeping was heard, a voice called out for everyone to hear.

[ Attention players. Please report to the front of the red curtain. The Main Event is about to begin. ]

The players that had once stood by idling were now slowly gathered around the yellow rope around the curtain.

"That's our cue, time to put your game faces on." Chance said adjusting his padded kickboxing style gloves and boots.

Cee and Fi walked close behind him to gather around with the other players.

"So, Cee, you want to add me to your friends list?"

"I really don't plan on sticking around, I'm just here"

"Hey, there's business and there's pleasure, why can't we mix one with the other?"

"I'm not stick around that long."

"Would two quiet down, I'm trying to concentrate here!" Chance said, beating his fist against the carrot image of his spandex suit and flaring his nostrils like a bull ready to charge.

"How about a little maiden wager then." She whispered to Cee with her lowest tone.

"What's that?"

"It's kind of like a handshake deal, but without shaking hands, because handshakes are like a contract with the system and have consequences if it's broken." She giggled. "Anyway, to 'avoid the wrath of the game spirits' or something, many plays just make a verbal agreement putting honor on the line. How can you doubt that if I win this event you get to be my friend?"

"What do I get if I win?"

"How about say... a million sand dollars."

"That's a thousand real world dollars!"

"I said..." Chance said quietly, growing angrier.

"You're a philosophy major Chance, learn to rationalize!"

"What did I tell you about sharing information!"

"Bleh!" She stuck her tongue at him like a child before whispering once more. "Don't mind the bunny butt, but my offer still stands."

"Can you even afford that?"

"Like I said, I'm 'reaaaaally reaally" good at counting numbers." She winked. "Well you got nothing to lose, right? So what's the harm?"

Cee had to think about this proposition for the moment, seeing as how she only met a person who was willing to wager a thousand dollars on a simple friend request.

"...Okay, fine." She said, nodding her head.

"Oh, goodie." Fi clapped softly.

As if on cue the rope around the curtain unraveled as the red velvet sheet revealed the white light of the new screen in the middle of the stage.

[ Welcome to the Pond of Dreams, where wishes come true, for you and me. ]

When the curtains were pulled back completely the window vanished as the stage finally came into view. A large fountain that looks like a cluster of lily pads reaching up to the sky like tree branches emerging from a shallow pool of water. Surrounded by a semicircle of 6 doors, 3 on the left and right, each mark with a flower on the mark with a number from 1 to 6. The cluster of lily pads began to wilt, landing softly on the water, like a set of steps.

Slowly walking down the lily pad steps as was a man with long black cat-like ears and ebony hair, and long fluffy tail that swayed behind him. He was definitely an NPC, but he wore white gloves to hide his hands. With his black suit and gloves he resembled an old fashioned butler with his hands behind his back. When he reached the last step the lily pads had all completely descended leaving him standing on the stage.

"Welcome one and all to the main event." He said looking toward the players with his yellow cat eyes. "My name is Midnight and it's my greatest pleasure to meet you."

"Hey check out the fancy pants NPCs." One player laughed.

"I happen to be the master of ceremonies and I'd appreciate a modicum of formality when addressing me would I prefer?"

"And what if I don't?"

Without a second thought he picked up his hand and pointed to the player and then a random door behind his back. A strong gust of wind was summoned behind the whole crowd, that was so powerful they could feel the wind shear on their hair and faces. It immediately picked up the obstinate player and pushed him back into the door marked 4. It swung open for only a few seconds before immediately closing in a loud slam.

The crowd was silent and dumbfounded at how he could do that with barely any effort at all. Midnight simply smiled and put his hands behind his back and looked toward the player's once more.

"Please forgive my outburst, but I would prefer you leave your questions until after I'm finished."

"Wow, that's incredible!" Fi said with excitement as she walked toward the NPC. "That looked like a Magician Skill."

"Bubble head," Chance whispered, not wanting her to get him riled up again.

"That wind speed had to be at least a hundred."

"One hundred and twenty seven to be precise."

"Wow, I almost felt like a breeze when it passed through me. Your skill level must be max to concentrate on just one person."

"I don't like to brag."

"I'm Fi, by the way. In case I forgot to say."

"It is my deepest pleasure to meet you too, Ms. Fi." He said taking her hand and kissing in a respectful manner.

"And your wardrobe it's so fancy. I mean I would have gone with..." she continued to blather on.

As Fi began to chat with Midnight in a casual fearless manner, Chance remained slack jawed and awe struck at how quickly she could befriend him.

"That fish is one lucky dog." Another player commented.

"Leave it to Fee to talk numbers with a random NPC." Chance nodded his head.

"Why did that guy even want to pick a fight in the first place? I thought I would only fight when provoked."

"The same reason anyone would, frog legs." Chance turned his head to Cee behind his back. "Either To level up their skills or to gain a new one."

"I thought you could only buy skills?"

"It's the safe way, but if you challenge a Blessed, whether it's friendly or unfavorable terms, there's a one in a thousand chance you can learn a new skill or upgrade the one you have."

"Is it that hard to do that?"

"Some skills are hard to find, and others can go to ten thousand dollars to max out. When you get to a certain level it's usually cheaper to fight one thousand times than to pay one thousand dollars. Either way it's a risk if you ask me.

"Gee, I guess I really lucked out." She recalled that she had gotten 2 upgrades only a short while ago. It as then that Midnight raised his hand stopping Fi's comment in mid sentence.

"I apologize Ms. Fi, but I really must proceed with it if you would please hold your enthusiasm."

"Oops," she said, bumping her head again. "I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright." He nodded in a pleasant manner.

Fi joined her friends again and patiently waited.

"As I was saying, the Wishing Pond casino would like to express its deepest compliments for you players who have made it this far to the following proceedings. Behind me are six doors with six tests designed to test your knowledge, determination, and skill through various levels of ability. Now matter which one you choose, only three of you will be able to find a seventh door leading to the finals. Once you enter there will be no time limit, and you may have as many breaks in between as you like. However, be warned if you do not log back in the next three minutes you will be automatically disqualified for the grand prize."

"I hope you went to the bathroom before you got here." Fi whispered to Cee with a giggle.

One look from Chance was enough for her to quickly stop laughing and look up to the air as if nothing had happened.

"Now, are there any questions before you begin?"

A scattered assortment of players raised their hands and Midnight scanned the crowds.

"You, the beetle with the helmet?" He pointed to a player wearing a Kabuto style helmet with a stag beetle as an emblem.

"Who sponsored this event?" He asked.

"I'm afraid my responses are limited, but to the best of my knowledge it is someone with ample means and resources." He scanned the crowd again and picked another hand. "Yes, you are the dragon lady with the bifurcated tongue."

"Wasss it a major corporation or private owner, becaussse I don't want to get sssscrewed on any player taxesss from my prizzze money." She hissed as she whipped her long raven hair.

"As I've said my responses are limited, but my knowledge says that there will be no player taxes for any prizes won before or after the event is complete. Final question." He scanned the crowd and pointed to Chance who had just recently raised his hand. "Yes, you are the rabbit with the carrot suit."

"What exactly is the grand prize?"

"Yes, very straight forward questions, and to be honest I'm not exactly sure." He places his right hand across his chin in a stoic manner. "I am aware there is a ranking system. Third rankers will receive a selection of purified charms, second ranks will receive skills, but to the first place ranking will receive a very special skill. It's a skill that is so special that it has never been released and has an estimated value of one hundred million sand dollars, in value."

"That's a hundred grand!" Cee blurted out.

"I know, isn't it exciting!" Fi practically jumped up.

"Quite down, both of you." Chance commanded before turning back to Midnight. "How do we know this isn't a scam? Aside from the promotional materials and the early access there was no mention of special skill on any forum or player guide."

"I'm afraid that is all the questions I can answer for now." He said, placing his hands together. "May the spirits guide and good fortune smile upon you, courtesy of the Wishing Pond casino."

POOF! Without warning she disappeared in a plume of white smoke leaving only the lily pads and the doors behind them. Immediately the race was one, out of the 20 players left half of them rushed to pick a door and enter. The other hand, Cee, Chance, and Fi stood by and considered their choice carefully.

"You look really serious now, bubble head, I thought you would be the first to rush in." Chance comment at Fi lost in thought. "Well he said we had six challenges, and a seventh but there's something missing."

"He never said how we should get to the seventh door." Cee interrupted.

"That's right." Fi said, snapping her fingers.

"That explains why you're not the only one who didn't rush in. For all they know each door could be the beginning of the end of the challenge."

"Or, what if they're all the same challenges?" Fi said.

"What do you mean?"

"What if there's a number we're missing, something that nobody is considering, a missing factor, who knows."

"Well, you better decide fast. I think the last of the players is already leaving. That means they're getting a head start." Chance said walking toward the door marked 6.

He opened the door to a large pool of light splashing all around him. He took one step forward before turning his head to both Fi and Cee.

"See ya at the finish line, frog legs." He said as he vanished behind the door slamming.

Fi sat down on the lily pads, as Cee walked over to the doors.

"Aren't you coming?" Cee asked.

"I will just have to do some counting first. Two, three, five, seven, eleven..." She counted the air like counting invisible numbers, completely oblivious that her and Cee were the last players left.

"Well, the best place to start is from the top." Cee said heading toward the door marked 1.

She quietly turned the brass knob, and opened the door to a pool of light. Although this was the second portal she had seen, it seemed different than before, like the sway of a thousand feathers was pushing past her. She placed her hand into the portal and took a step forward, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Whatever challenge awaited her, she could only hope she had enough real luck to figure out where this game would lead her.