"A new skill?" She said standing alone in the darkness of an unknown room.

Immediately she opened her status window to check on what this new skill was and how it could help. What she saw was strange as it was not only new but a unique one in how it was described.

[ Encouragement (Lv. 1)

A passive skill.

You may transfer the effects of a challenge,

Provided the target accepts your help.

Cost: -5 KP ]

"A passive skill?" She said in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?" Before she could think about it any further a flash of light entered the void like a supernova washing away the darkness to reveal a new area.

It looked to be the scene of a night club, with stage, tables and chairs all lined up before the stage. Lights encroached the stage, as a man stood at the center adjusting his suit, gloves and bow tie. His suit and tie were bright orange and gold that matched his hair and the fishes that decorated his suit. He looks like a young boy with a scrawny and narrow body that could have been fit for a magician such as Houdini. He held one hand in the air and another around slightly above his chest as he gave a speech.

"Are you folks ready for some magic?"

POOF! From out the air he pulled out a small ball of light like a miniature sun and crushed it in both hands as easily as he would a paper bag. When he opened them again a small bird appeared that looked like a dove flying into the air.

"Then today's your lucky day?" He faked a smile before turning his hands into fists and screaming in aggravation. "LUCK, LUCK, LUCK!"

"I thought that was pretty good." Cee called from the crowd at the impressive display.

"Huh?" He turned his eyes toward Cee in his midsts. His anger quickly subsided as he straightened his suit again and put on his best face once again. "Sorry, I didn't know anyone else was here."

"It's alright, we all need to vent sometimes, but I thought it was pretty good."

"Good?" He said in disbelief. "Good won't cut it, I'm Lucky Day, the incredible, magnificent, and technique was totally off theme. I wasn't supposed to release a dove, it was supposed to be a wave of light that showered on the crowd like the dazzle of a thousand starlights."

"It's still magic, so why do you have to be so picky about the details?"

"You just don't get it," he scuffed. "A magician is supposed to shine like the stars, not fizzle in the dust."

"I think you're focusing on the big picture instead of looking at the bigger picture."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He said, turning his back toward the stage.

"It's like when my dad taught me how to ride a bike." She stepped up on the stage. "He said it was a stepping stone to bigger things. I never understood that until all my friends started riding bikes around town and I was the only one who never learned. So instead I got a scooter instead."

"Is there a point to a little story?" He scuffed.

"Looks, in the end it didn't matter because eventually we all learned how to drive cars, but you the first one to learn was me. Next thing you know everyone wanted me to teach them how to drive. My point is, because I can't do something good like ride a bike, I eventually learned how to ride a car, either way it helps me get from one point to another."

"So, you're saying just because I can't do great magic..." He said, turning his head toward her.

"...You're still doing magic, dummy." She genuinely smiled to counter his fake gesture.

"You know..." He said turning toward Cee and examining her features. "It's been said that if you're not great, you can get an assistant to make you look better. Would you by chance be interested?"

"Me, I don't even know magic."

"You don't need to, you can just leave the magic to me, all I need for you to do is put on a good show during the intervals. First rule of a great magician, is effective misdirection don't, you know? Yet, first we have to go do something about your wardrobe?"

"What's wrong with it?" She said looking at her starter clothes that look like an athletic top and shorts with a pair of tight shoes.

"I believe the magic words are Make..." He snapped his fingers. "...Up."

POOF! A cloud of smoke surrounded Cee as she felt invisible fabrics draping her arms, legs and body. When the smoke cleared, she looked at her new outfit that had replaced her uniform. It was green unitard that covered her arms and legs, with shades of blue and yellow mixed into. A pair of red gloves, skin tight gloves and ballet shoes, compliment the red headband over her short green hair.

She thought it couldn't enforce the image of frog well enough until she saw the mirror staring back at her face. Holding it with his white hands, Day showed her colorful face that had been painted with freckles of red, with spirals on her cheeks, and shades of blue under her eyes.

"Ahhhhhhh!" She screamed looking at her new altered form.

"What's the matter? Is it the hair?" Day said, smiling with genuine delight. "If you want I could change it blue to match your eyeshadow."

"Not that?" She said, pushing the mirror away and showing her whole form. "I look like a clown."

"I don't know, I think it's rather cute." He smiled.

"I thought it was befitting for a dancer," he said, making the mirror disappear. "More important than your quality for distracting the audience you must also know how to entertain them as well. So, why don't you show me if you know a thing or two about both."

"What, how?"

"Show me a magic trick. Something that can make me put a sparkle in my eye."

"...okay, I'll give it a try." She said turning around to gather her thoughts. "Combining my skills worked well last time, it may work again."

When she turned around again, time stopped all around her as she saw the deck of fate shuffle again, and the process of combinations began again.

[ Combination Skill ]

[ Round 1, Runway (Lv.3) ]

Player draws:

2 of Hearts, 2 of Diamonds, & 3 of Hearts

[ Pair of 2s ]

LUCK draws:

Ace of Hearts, 7 of Clubs, & 7 of Spades

[ Pair of 7s ]

[[ Pair of 7s BEATS Pair of 2s ]]

[ Round 2, Palming (Lv. 1)

Player draws:

8 of Clubs

LUCK draws:

6 of Clubs

[[ Combination FAILS! ]]

For a fraction of a second she wondered what failure would bring her, not knowing what the outcome would be. Then to her surprise a miracle occurred in the form of a third window.

[ Round 3, Runway (Lv. 3)

Player draws:

4 of Diamonds, 6 of Hearts, & (Black) Joker

[ Pair of 6s ]

LUCK draws:

3 of Hearts, 8 of Spades, 5 of Clubs

[ 8 High ]


When time unfroze and resumed its course, Cee's both shook off her fears and renewed energy reached her like a flash of lightning. She walked across the stage with a sparkle in her steps that lit the floor like firecrackers. She reached her hand in the air and pulled out the same light that Day had done earlier. She played with the miniature sun like a magic juggling ball playing it and tossing it from hand to hand 8 times before tossing it to Day who instinctively grabbed it and began to compress it for the final finish.

He walked forward 6 steps ahead of Cee and opened both hands once more. Instead of a dove a shower of golden sparkles floated into the air as he took center stage. It rained upon the audience like a glittering tornado of light and smoke.

"Lucky day!" The magician said with a bow.

Cee clapped behind his shoulder with her red gloved hands.

"So, what do you think?" Cee asked as the magician stood up on stage.

"Not bad, I must say, not bad at all."

"That's all, a moment ago you were throwing a hissy fit for pulling out a dove." He turned his head and looked her in the eyes.

"Well, if it's any kind of praise, you've really put a sparkle in my eye."

Cee had not seen his eyes up close before but looking at his left eye, she noticed that one of his irises seemed to be misshapen. While his eyes were orange like his hair, his left eye was a golden shape that seemed to remember four leafed clover. Now it was shimmering like the light of a yellow beacon as it was fire just waiting to explode. Cee covered her eyes as she saw her body being covered in a golden light as the last time. When she opened her eyes again she found herself in darkness once more with 3 more windows appearing before her.

[ Runway has been upgraded to Lv. 4 ]

[ Palming has been upgraded to Lv. 2 ]

[ Acquired new skill Magic Lv. 1]

"Well, I guess I get to keep the suit." She said seeing her green unitard was still attacked with her make up. "I also seem to be upgrading or acquiring new skills like crazy, but I can't let that get to me. I better do a resource check, see what's the damage." The moment she saw the window stats she was shocked to notice how much she had wasted in only two challenges.