[ Name: C-Note

Job: None

Alliance: None

Skills: Dancing (Lv.4), Palming (Lv.2), Runway (Lv. 2)

Encouragement (Lv. 1), Magic (Lv. 1)


(1) Frog Princess Charm (Lv. 5)

Luck Points: 64

Karma Points: 226

G$: 0 ]

"Dang, I didn't know that combination skills cost that much." She said in the darkness of the waiting void. "Maybe I should hold off until I really need it. On the bright side, I still got my charm and hopefully that will come in handy. Let's see about this magic skill." She clicked on the list of skills to read the details.

[ Magic (Lv. 1)

A passive skill.

Allows you to reshuffle and draw a new hand.

May advance at certain levels.

Cost: 1 LP or 10 KP x Skill Level ]

"Well that explains how I managed to pull that combo out of my frog butt." She sighed. "It must have used LP because it was the one with the most to use. It might come in handy in the next challenge." She saw the spark of a new world opening up as if on cue. "Speak of the devil."

She closed her eyes as a new supernova opened up the gate to a new stage to be set. This area was not as cheery as the last two, but a more dark grimy looking alley lit on by a neon alley and street lights. At the end of the brick wall with aged steel of rusted dumpsters was a door guarded by a mountain of man.

His beard was gray as fog in the air, his eyes as cold as the silver in his stare. His muscles were as large as pythons, reinforced by his burly chests stretching out the fabric of a form fitting shirt with the words "krewl" written on his left side. The lights reflected off the top of his bald head, but Cee couldn't take her eyes off his eyes that pierce like knives into her very soul. She could have been looking at a biker or wrestler, but unfortunately for Cee she was the next opponent.

"So, you think you can get past me?" He said, taking a deep breath of the fog in the air. "I'd like to see you try."

He slowly walked toward Cee at the center of the alley.

"W-wait, I mean, do we really have to fight?" Cee pleaded. "I mean, what did I even do to you?"

"It doesn't matter, house rules say I gotta keep this door clear and let's just say you're in the middle of a rock and hard place." He flexed his biceps for emphasis.

"Oh, Luck."

He lunged forward with his hands stretched as Cee reacted and prayed some skill would get her out of his way. As if summoned, the Luck draw knew exactly which one to help.

[ Dance (Lv. 4)

Player draws:

3 of Spades, 2 of Diamonds, 7 of Diamonds, & 3 of Clubs

[ Pair of 3s ]

LUCK draws:

7 of Hearts, 9 of Hearts, (Black) Joker, & 9 of Spades

[ Three 9s ]

[[ Three 9s BEATS Pair of 3s ]]


When time resumed its natural course, Cee could only feel the grip of a pair of strong arms grabbing her like a bear and pinning her to the floor. He pinned her to the cement floor locking her arms and legs in a powerful submission hold. Although this was a virtual game it was it gravity had turned on her body to feel like she was pressing thrice her weight against the floor.

"Quite while you can, hoppy, because nobody beats Ol' Noon Sun." He smirked as he pressed his muscles against Cee's body.

Cee couldn't respond, only one word kept flashing through her mind as she tried her best to stay calm as her thoughts made words form in a whisper.

"" At that moment of thought a new window opened in front of her eyes.

[ Acquired new skill Slip Lv. 1 ]

Time began to slow down once again and the deck of fate drew the cards shuffled once more. Along with a card sequence she had not seen before, having only been faced with opponents of equal skill levels before.

[ Slip (Lv. 1) vs. Submission (Lv. 7)]

Player draws:

7 of Hearts

LUCK draws:

10 of Hearts, 10 of Spades, 4 of Diamonds,

7 of Diamonds, 5 of Spades, & 10 of Clubs

Opponent draws:

Ace of Diamonds

[ Opponent has Three 10s & Ace High,

Player has Three 10s & Pair of 7s (Full House) ]

[ Full House BEATS Three Pairs ]


She felt her body feel as if a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Suddenly her body was more elastic than ever before and Noon's grip might as well have been a handshake at best. With a simple turn of her wrists she could slip easily out of his grip, turn around and move across the floor like a jumping frog.

The whiskers on Noon's beard practically stood on up as Cee slipped out of his tight grip with ease. Yet, his gaze was not off her yet as he quickly got back up and walked toward her with his muscles flared.

"You're quite slippery, let's see how much." He charged in the second grapple.

Cee instincts kicked in with another time she tried to avoid, possibly because it only worked the first time. This time she was facing Noon at his full power instead of a surprised encounter.

[ Dance (Lv. 4) vs. Submission (Lv. 7)

Player draws:

3 of Spades, 6 of Hearts, 4 of Clubs,

& 10 of Clubs

LUCK draws:

10 of Diamonds, Ace of Clubs, & 2 of Spades

Opponent draws:

2 of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds, Ace of Spades,

& 9 of Spades

[ Opponent has Three Aces & Pair of 2s (FULL HOUSE),

Player has Pair of 10s]

[ Full House BEATS Pair of 2s ]


She closed her eyes expecting him to grab her against the floor, but to her surprise her body moved out the way without thinking about it. As he slammed the floor with his bare hands, Cee moved aside and jumped with his long legs with a backwards flip. When she open her eyes again she saw Noon on the ground and a window in front of her face that flashed before her eyes.


Before she could think of what that meant, Noon quickly got up to his feet and tried again to take down.

"I'll worry about that later." She said running to the far corner of the alley hoping to give herself some time.

Although the area of the alley was only several feet wide she thought by running around and moving around she might be able to by a small amount of time.

Think, think, think, wait, I'm thinking. She thought as she moved around the alley in a frenzy. I guess that is what they mean by thought speed, that's a step up but why now? Oh, well worry about that later, can't run, gotta face this head on, but if he's got the same effect as I do, may I get a better hand if I...

"So, you finally ran out of steam, hoppy?" Noon brayed his teeth like a horse in amusement.

"Well, if there's nowhere to run, gotta face your troubles head on." She said,

"Smart guy, whoever told you that, but you know you can't possibly beat me when I'm on a roll like that."

"Doesn't mean I won't try," she said standing her ground as Noon approached.

Using his powerful momentum he reached out his muscular arm running toward his opponent hoping to toss her back down, but Cee dressed her eyes once more and hoped that what she thought would happen would take its course. As predicted Cee's body reacted to avoid the upcoming assault instinctively hopping away to the far side of the alley. When she opened her eyes she saw the screen again this time with a new message.



Okay, that means I'm out of dodges and he's got two more chances to hit me perfectly. She thought. I guess the only thing I can hope for is a miracle, or do I?

She kept her eyes open this time ready to make the first charge, leaping head forward into the big bruises bulging python arms. At the moment when his feet and his arms met together she watched as the deck of fate played out, ready to react accordingly.

Here goes nothing. She thought in her frozen state.

[ (Dance Lv. 4) v Submission (Lv. 7)

Player draws:

6 of Hearts, Ace of Spades, 9 of Clubs,

& 8 of Hearts

LUCK draws:

4 of Clubs, 8 of Spades, & 9 of Diamonds

Opponent draws:

3 of Spades, 4 of Diamonds, 9 of Hearts,

& 8 of Diamonds ]

Now, I use magic skill to re-shuffle my hand. She thought with fervent determination. As predicted the deck began to reshuffle as her cards disappeared and pulled out 4 new cards. It was a hefty price to pay, but worth what need to be done.

[ You're lost -4 Luck Points ]

[ Players Draws:

9 of Spades, 10 of Spades, 6 of Spades,

& (Red) Joker ]

[ Opponent has 2 Pairs (Pair of 8s & Pair of 4s)]

[ Player has a STRAIGHT FLUSH! ]

A new power began to surge inside of her body, even in this frozen moment she felt like she was moving just a little bit faster, transcending the laws of time and space itself. As the golden glow moved her legs and repositioned her body for the optimal position she knew exactly what was going to happen even before it occurred. In the moment time resumed its natural course, Cee felt her strong legs stab upon Noon's muscular chest like a jackhammer pushing him against the alley wall. Surprised at how much power she could accept, see saw exactly what the effects of this powerful attack had inflicted.


[ Opponent has lost -4 Luck Points. ]

"W-well..." He coughed at his bruised chest. "So you do have some fights in ya." He laughed as he got back up to his feet. "Let's see how much you've got left."

No matter what take-downs, arms and feet held Noon tried to submit on Cee, it wasn't enough to match her offensive tactics. Relentlessly she went on the offensive, still empowered by the spirit of her straight flush hand. Her leg kicked up in a L shape hitting him across the beard.


[ Opponent has lost -4 Luck Points. ]

She spun on her hands with her legs in the air like a centrifuge.


[ Opponent has lost -4 Luck Points. ]

She swiped his legs the moment he tried to get up so he hit the ground again.


[ Opponent has lost -4 Luck Points. ]

Another stabbing kick, flare kick, another hand spin kick.


[ Opponent has lost -4 Luck Points. ]


[ Opponent has lost -8 Luck Points. ]


[ Opponent has lost -8 Luck Points. ]

Finally, when she had him pinned to the wall, she watched as he fell to the floor with a loud thump.


[ Opponent has lost -8 Luck Points. ]

He stood on the alley floor, not moving an inch, while Cee stood over him catching her breath from the thrill of the fight. Just when she lowered her guard falling to the floor, she saw his arm twitch as he picked himself up to the ground again. He shook off the dust from his beard and shirt and sat opposite of Cee as she moved away wondering if she had to go another round.

"Gotta...say put hell of a fight." He laughed before catching his breath. "Your defense could use a little work though."

"Are we at it again?"

"I might be up for it, but I opened that door for ya." He said getting back up to his feet.

"I thought you said to keep this area clear." Cee asked to get herself up again.

"House rules also said that I should only open this door to someone who showed promise. You lasted 7 rounds with this old stallion, I'd say that means you've got a little." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small trinket and tossed it toward Cee.

She quickly grabbed it, before watching Noon turn his back toward the door.

[ Acquired Noon Sun Charm. ]

[ Acquired new Skill Reinforcement Lv. 1. ]

[ Dancing has advanced to Break Dancing Lv. 5. ]

"The house tells you to give this too?"

"Nope, but trust me, you'll probably need it for what's inside." He turned his hand.

On the back of his neck, Cee spotted a smokey quartz like crystal emblem slightly covered by his hair. It was the same four-leafed clover as before, but this one glowing with a grayish light. Magnified by the fog in the air the light began to set in like a hazy day as the door released the full force of 10,000 watt light in her face. She turned her head as the room returned to darkness once more. This gave Cee a moment to check on her stats to see what was gained and lost in this seemingly long lasting fight.

[ Name: C-Note


(1) Frog Princess Charm (Lv. 5)

(2) Sun Charm (Lv. 10)

Luck Points: 56

Karma Points: 65

G$: 0 ]

[ Noon Sun Charm (Lv. 10)

Can be converted into 100 KP, 10 LP or G$10,000,

Either by command or when circumstances demand it. ]

[ Slip (Lv. 1).

A cooler skill.

You may avoid a grappling challenge,

May advance into its own unique style.

Cost: 1 LP ]

[ Reinforcement (Lv.1)

A passive skill.

You may draw one more card,

To make to make one complete hand,

Then discard the remaining card.

Cost: 3 LP ]

"I've definitely lost a lot of KP." She said examining her stats. "And since I may need that ahead, I best use what I can before I'm out of the game." She said summoning the Frog Princess and Noon Sun together in her hand.

[ Activating 2 Charms ]

Together they floated into the air and exploded into a rain of silvery mist that showered upon Cee like a wave of stardust.

[ You received 150 Karma Points. ]

"I just hope it's enough." She said as the light appeared once more to take her to the new challenge.