Since the system is virtually autonomous and not even administrators can predict updated content it is hard to tell what or what will happen with every turn of the Luck Stars rotation. However, the system does not have an obligation to make a formal announcement, with the acceptance of server maintenance or a global event that will affect every player. However, in lieu of a formal update system like most games, data can be obtained by specially authorized players and NPCS that can predict the future of events using a skill known as Palm Reading.

A Palmer, short for Palm Reader, can predict anything from minor inconvenience to truly disastrous events to come depending on the category of the prediction. If the Palmer is skilled enough they can predict anywhere from 3 to 11 weeks into the system's future, and track anything from cursed migration to where a new challenge awaits, even divine the location of secret skill or hidden G$ stash that randomly appeared in the city. The categories of these events are various but depending on their value, they can end up on a website or community forum or auctioned off as priority information to be done in person.

Something of little importance like a hidden object or special free KP or LP give away would be called a category 1 or 2 information. These are low because they are relatively safe, but require a lot of footwork and may require certain stipulations like a certain skill or an affinity with a certain blessed. A category 3 or 4 information involves mostly NPCS such as cursed migration, or where to find blessings at certain times on certain days. Since NPCs are autonomous you can rarely predict where they will be in the same place more than twice, same as curses who can be more dense in certain districts. A category 5 or 6 information deals with the environment, which can affect or hinder certain skills if you know how to use them correctly. Although FS is desert or perpetual twilight the winds of change can produce special effects like a green, yellow or red zone area of effect. A category 7 piece of information is the highest and most diverse piece that could include all the above information above or none. They are often vague, but can lead to the highest risk and the greatest reward and are often sold to the highest bidder.

To be Palmer can be very lucrative for a player other players will pay to keep it exclusive or for themselves. If you know any Palmers it is highly recommended that you take advantage of their unique skill that may lead to fortune or ruin players. However, be weary for like most things in FS, it's a risk that a player must be willing to take.