Casinos are the main source of enjoyment in FS, whether owned by players, shareholders, or even the system they serve a very vital purpose. They can vary in size from small game rooms, to great halls, luxury resorts but they are generally a place to find high level Blessed to reek various rewards from resources to even new skills. Although they are considered safer than facing cursed NPCS, they can also be very draining for resources and time.

The most common game found are known as slot machines, and while they may look like ordinary slot machines they are in fact a good test for exercising skills. A slot machine is essentially a one to one test of skill between a player and the skill of their choice reflected against them in a random hand of luck. They cost about the same as an average skill use, but with different results depending on the outcome.

First slot machines run mostly on G$, but KP and LP can also be wager against the machine, if the player wins they receive no loss of resources, but if they lose they must pay the amount wager multiplied by the success of the machine's hand. Alternatively if the player manages to get a double or septuple effective move they winners are multiplied by the success rate as well. Pass a septuple effect the player may even advance a skill or learn a new one, as this is considered the jackpot winning.

For a more practical use of skills there are other challenges such as roulette, to compete against blessed NPC in an arrangement match with different rules. In a roulette tournament, players wager on a number, the number is selected at random and counted down in a lottery spin to see who will face the NPC. Depending on the groups and order could depend on the challenges, as the first challenge can wear the blessed opponent down for the next challenger. These are considered very competitive tournaments where a player could finish an opponent before their number is called, rendering their wager void.

Then there's the big spin, which much like the roulette wheel is a lottery of challenge but different in its approach to a player challenge. Each player will fight, but fight a random Blessed ranging from Level 1 to 13. While 7 to 12 is a small chance of coming up and 13 is rather infinitesimal, the prizes can be higher if you're unlucky enough to get them. These would usually require groups of players to take down a challenger even if it means risking all your resources to do so.

Then there are some games parlors that are unofficial, run but underground proprietors that have developed a cooperation with high level cursed NPCs. While high level curses can be talked and will not attack unless provoked this is still considered very risky as loyalties are not priority for curses as blessed often are. It is highly recommended to stay clear of underground games areas, because of their shaky and fickle nature.