WebNovelaz Dr38.89%


How exciting to have at least one other time traveler with whom you'll get to talk shop! Any number of questions fill your head, especially about how much flexibility there really is in the time windows. Do you have more options than you know? These thoughts lead to a dawning realization that the prospect of extending your own stay here with Brett just got a whole lot more possible, if that's what you both want. You can hardly wait to meet whoever is in the RV.

Before you've had a chance to absorb this new worldview, the RV's humming winds down and cuts off. After a few seconds of silence, the familiar rustles and chirps of the forest resume.

"They made a nicer job of the landing than we did," Brett says.

You grimace. "Don't remind me."

The driver's-side door swings open, and a lanky masculine form hops out. The cocky swagger looks familiar, though his back is turned to you. He's wearing a familiar T-shirt in your former school's colors, its name arcing across his shoulder blades. The man hoots, spreads his arms wide, and spins around, the archaic sunlight catching his golden hair, an enormous grin on his face.

Darien Vance