WebNovelaz Dr42.86%


You mull over a crucial decision. Is now the time to march up to Vance, catching him off guard, so that you can confront him openly and on camera about all his spurious claims? That's an intriguing thought, especially if you can set out the engineering details in a clear, matter-of-fact manner that he'll find impossible to refute. On the other hand, maybe finesse would be a better approach. How good are you at laying a clever trap that would ensnare someone who lacks sufficient knowledge to construct a time machine or who's ignorant of the key principles of temporal physics? Given the possibility of encountering more Cretaceous predators, you might not want to stray too far from your own vehicle without a gun, even one loaded with blanks.

However, you're not so sure about letting Vance know you're here just yet. It might be smarter to keep hiding while you figure out whether this could be an opportunity to gather evidence against him, secretly learn more about time travel, or even watch your potential new film star in action.

Lastly, you're keenly aware that Darien Vance isn't used to being crossed, which may make him dangerous and unpredictable. Plus you're outnumbered three to two. You could sneak away with Brett before any of them spot you or figure out that you're here. You'll even get a decent workout from pushing the Land Rover far enough away that they won't hear when you start up the motor and keep heading downstream.