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Movement along a side trail, which runs into the main one, catches your eye. A scale-covered triangular head thrusts aside the swordlike leaves. What first looks like dirty white stripes running the length of the mud-colored quadruped resolve into row upon row of knobs and spikes protruding from its armor-plated hide. Barely chest height, this beast is built like a low-slung, scale-covered tank with a serious club at the end of its tail. Snuffling and snorting, it reaches the intersection with the main trail, in effect cutting Casey off from Vance and Skyler. The dinosaur turns toward Casey, who is sitting down, intent on examining and collecting samples, paying no attention to his surroundings.

In fact, you're the only one who has spotted the armored dinosaur.

"An Ankylosaurus," you say to Darien Vance.
