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You've been inseparable since kindergarten, and Brett knows you better than anyone else ever has. As you peek out from your sleeping bag at her, there's something about the way she keeps looking your way that gives you the sense that she wants to take your friendship to the next level, too. It's interesting how the touchdown of Vance's RV and the apparent flexibility of arrival windows has given you a sense of new possibilities.

You get up and go over to the fire. Brett gives you a questioning look. You have a seat next to her and say, "I can't let another minute go by without telling you how much you mean to me. After all this time, it's crazy, but…but I'm falling in love with you."

At first, She looks startled. Then she breaks into a huge smile, grabs you, and pulls you close. "I'm falling for you too, Guth."

Your lips meet in the sweetest and most exciting kiss you've ever known. It seems to go on and on. You draw apart at last, staring intently at each other's faces.

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